Paul Rhys Mountfort

Paul Rhys Mountfort is a writer, researcher, and workshop leader specializing in oracles and the Celtic and Norse traditions. He is the author of Ogam: The Celtic Oracle of the Trees. Active in the contemporary pagan community, he lives with his partner and son on Waiheke Island, in the Hauraki Gulf of Auckland, New Zealand.

Books By Paul Rhys Mountfort

Nordic Runes
Nordic Runes
By Paul Rhys Mountfort
A practical guide to this ancient oracle, Nordic Runes addresses three major areas: Runelore, the history of this 2,000-year-old Norse oracle; Runestaves, the meaning of the individual runes, and their powerful mythological, magical, and practical lessons for daily life; and Runecasting, a comprehensive and contemporary guide to the application of this ancient system of divination.
Runas nórdicas
Runas nórdicas
By Paul Rhys Mountfort
Runas nórdicas es una guía práctica sobre este antiguo oráculo que aborda tres áreas principales: su tradición, la historia de este oráculo nórdico de 2.000 años de antigüedad; sus pentagramas, el significado de cada runa y sus poderosas lecciones mitológicas, mágicas y prácticas para la vida diaria; y su tirada, una guía completa y contemporánea para la aplicación de este antiguo sistema de adivinación.