S. Kelley Harrell

S. Kelley Harrell is an animist, deathwalker, and death doula. Through her Nature-based soul-tending practice, Soul Intent Arts, she helps others ethically build thriving spiritual paths through runework, animism, ancestral tending, and deathwork. The award-winning author of several books, including Runic Book of Days, she lives in North Carolina.

Books By S. Kelley Harrell

From Elder to Ancestor
From Elder to Ancestor
By S. Kelley Harrell
A practical guide to becoming a good Ancestor

For millennia people grew up guided by sage elders, naturally walking the path into elderhood and, upon their good deaths, becoming wise, capable Ancestors. Kelley Harrell explores the spiritual and cultural aspects of aging well and presents exercises and rituals to help you intentionally craft yourself as a fit elder on the path to Ancestorhood.