Author Event

Anne-Marie Keppel

Anne-Marie Keppel
Event Immersed in the Lush Jungles of Costa Rica
When 04/25/2024 - 04/30/2024
Where Macacona de Puntarenas - Costa Rica


This five night retreat is all about HEALING & INTUITION. The untamed majesty of Costa Rica is an incredible place to connect with nature and absorb and mingle with the life-power surging through the flora and fauna. The retreat is certainly for doulas and those caring for the dying but others may be able to join as well-- tell me your story!


You will be well taken care of on this retreat but will also have plenty of space to wander, swim, dream and meditate. The Costa Rican people are welcoming and kind and there is never a shortage of fresh fruit! My husband Pablo (who will be teaching with me) is a native (Chilean) Spanish speaker and will be available to translate should you need assistance. 


Teaching & Practice with Anne-Marie and Pablo


Gentle shadow work (one on one sessions available)

Practices & games to open intuition

Hormetic stress practices to activate healing

Guided meditation practice (for self and other)

Guided visualization practice (for healing self and other)

Ceremonial boundaries, practice & commitment 

Agreements with spirit

Ocean magic

Moving our bodies (Salsa night!)


Additional Activities During the Retreat

Daily yoga

Chocolate farm tour

Butterfly garden walk

Onsite massages

Home cooked meals

Oceanside picnic

Cascada (waterfall) and swimming

Poolside lounging

Endless places to meditate

Quiet nooks for reading & dreaming


Recommended reading:

Death Nesting: The Heart-Centered Practices of A Death DoulaThe Spanish translation of Anne-Marie's Death Nesting book is available now by ordering directly through Anne-Marie or though Inner Traditions in late summer 2024.

~ Salicrow's book Spirit Speaker

Though tears are welcome and will certainly flow, this program is not recommended for those who are actively grieving or for one who has received a recent diagnosis that feels acutely traumatizing.