Alison Chester-Lambert, MA

Alison Chester-Lambert, MA, studied Greek literature and mythology at the University of Wales where she graduated with a master’s degree with distinction in cultural astronomy and astrology. As an astrologer, she is a regular contributor to the UK’s Daily Mail Online, has written columns for many leading astrology and spiritual magazines, and has BBC and American TV credits including The Daily Politics Show on BBC2. She lives in Tamworth, England.

Books By Alison Chester-Lambert, MA

Cartas astrológicas
Cartas astrológicas
By Alison Chester-Lambert, MA
Por medio de impresionantes obras de arte, estas cartas eliminan la complejidad de las lecturas astrológicas y ponen el poder de adivinación en manos del lector que busca una visión de su futuro

Los consejos astrológicos de autoayuda nunca han sido tan fáciles de obtener como con este mazo de guía spiritual que incluye tres conjuntos de cartas: los signos del Zodiaco, los planetas y las casas. Los que buscan consejos pueden seleccionar una carta de cada conjunto y utilizar el manual para interpretar la respuesta.
The Easy Way to Learn Astrology
The Easy Way to Learn Astrology
By Alison Chester-Lambert, MA
A guide for learning to read your horoscope

Presenting a simple way to learn astrology, professional astrologer and astropsychologist Alison Chester-Lambert breaks down the complexities of a birth chart into easy-to-understand, bite-sized pieces, revealing how to quickly decode a person’s strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and opportunities with psychological astrology. Includes sample charts and interpretations to help you get started.

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