Angel Millar

Books By Angel Millar

The Three Stages of Initiatic Spirituality
The Three Stages of Initiatic Spirituality
By Angel Millar
Exploring the craftsman, warrior, and magician archetypes--three vocations that echo the traditional tripartite division of society--Angel Millar reveals how these initiatic archetypes represent the three successive stages of spiritual growth in an individual’s life. He investigates their symbolism, rituals, and metaphysical aspects and shares meditations, practices, and transformational techniques for each archetype.
The Path of the Warrior-Mystic
The Path of the Warrior-Mystic
By Angel Millar
Takes you on a journey to cultivate yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually to become the archetypal Higher Man

Exploring how to reconnect with the classical male ideal, author Angel Millar shares practices to develop the different sides of your being. He examines some of the problems facing men in the world today and details techniques for creating a self-image more appropriate to who you are and aspire to be.

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