Bradford Keeney, Ph.D.

Bradford Keeney, Ph.D., is an internationally renowned scholar, therapist, and shaman who has led expeditions throughout the world to study cultural healing practices. He is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the Rock Art Research Institute, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, and is the author of Bushman Shaman: Awakening the Spirit through Ecstatic Dance, Shamanic Christianity: The Direct Experience of Mystical Communion, Shaking Medicine: The Healing Power of Ecstatic Movement, and the editor of the Profiles of Healing series.

Books By Bradford Keeney, Ph.D.

Bushman Shaman
Bushman Shaman
By Bradford Keeney, Ph.D.
Bradford Keeney details his initiation into the shamanic tradition of the Kalahari Bushmen. He was drawn to this tradition, wherein dancers' bodies shake uncontrollably during healing ceremonies, with hopes that it might explain his own ecstatic "shaking," which he first experienced at the age of 19. Keeney went on to dance with the Bushmen for more than a dozen years.
Seiki Jutsu
Seiki Jutsu
By Bradford Keeney, Ph.D., Hillary Keeney, Ph.D.
Seiki jutsu is the ancient Japanese shamanic art of working with concentrated life-force energy for self-healing and revitalization. Often described as a “non-subtle” energy because it is strongly felt when awakened, seiki underlies the “flow experience” sought after by artists, musicians, and athletes. Indeed, no method of performance, spiritual practice, or philosophy of life can fully awaken without sufficient seiki, which is regarded in Japan as “the fountain of youth."