Casimiro de la Cruz López

Casimiro De La Cruz Lopez comes from a village near the ceremonial center of Santa Catarina in the Huichol Sierra, where he spends much of his time helping his father, who has been the elected spiritual leader of their community for many years. While doing much of the yarn work for this story alongside María, Casimiro was also instrumental in translating the author’s and Maria’s visions into two-dimensional images.

Books By Casimiro de la Cruz López

The Journey of Tunuri and the Blue Deer
The Journey of Tunuri and the Blue Deer
By James Endredy

The Journey of Tunuri and the Blue Deer is a modern adaptation of a traditional story of the Huichol Indians of western Mexico. Young Tunuri becomes lost in the woods and meets the magical Blue Deer, who introduces Tunuri to Father Sun and Mother Earth while leading him back to his human family. Through this lovely tale and the traditional Huichol yarn drawings, children can learn about their place in the sacred web of life.