David Hatcher Childress

David Hatcher Childress has spent more than 40 years studying ancient civilizations and ancient mysteries around the world. He is the publisher of World Explorer magazine and Adventures Unlimited Press and is the author of many books, including the Lost Cities series and Technology of the Gods. He has appeared on many television shows and is well known for his recurring appearances on Ancient Aliens on the History Channel.

Books By David Hatcher Childress

Alien Intelligence and the Pathway to Mars
Alien Intelligence and the Pathway to Mars
By Mary Bennett
Special Price $32.00 Regular Price $40.00
An exploration of the links between ancient monuments on Earth, formations on Mars, sacred geometry, crop glyphs, and advanced physics

In this full-color study based on 25 years of research, Mary Bennett explores the ancient and modern connections between Mars and Earth as well as how extraterrestrial intelligences are trying to assist us in constructing a viable spacecraft to take a human crew swiftly and safely to Mars.