David Jay Brown

David Jay Brown holds a master’s degree in psychobiology from New York University. A former neuroscience researcher at the University of Southern California, he has written for Wired, Discover, and Scientific American, and his news stories have appeared on The Huffington Post and CBS News. A frequent guest editor of the MAPS Bulletin, he is the author of more than a dozen books, including The New Science of Psychedelics and Frontiers of Psychedelic Consciousness. He lives in Ben Lomond, California.

Books By David Jay Brown

The New Science of Psychedelics
The New Science of Psychedelics
By David Jay Brown
What does the future hold, and can psychedelics help take us there? David Jay Brown investigates the role of mind-altering drugs in lucid dreaming, time travel, pleasure enhancement, technological innovation, and the survival of consciousness after death. With their ability to ignite the evolution of consciousness, Brown finds that psychedelics have the capability to prepare humanity for a future of enlightened minds.
Dreaming Wide Awake
Dreaming Wide Awake
By David Jay Brown
With development and practice, lucid dreaming can provide a powerful path to greater awareness, heightened creativity and spiritual awakening. Author David Jay Brown draws on his interactions with experts such as Stanley Krippner, Rupert Sheldrake, Terence McKenna, and others to explore the relationship between lucid dreaming, shamanic journeying, visionary plants, and psychedelic drugs.
Psychedelics and the Coming Singularity
Psychedelics and the Coming Singularity
By David Jay Brown
Leading minds discuss psychedelics, shamanism, human evolution, and the ecological crisis

In a series of conversations with Duncan Trussell, Graham Hancock, Grant Morrison, Hamilton Morris, Erik Davis, Julia Mossbridge, Rupert Sheldrake, and others, author David Jay Brown elicits answers to some of the most thought-provoking questions about our origins, ecological consciousness, the potential of psychedelics, and the future of humanity and the Earth.
The Illustrated Field Guide to DMT Entities
The Illustrated Field Guide to DMT Entities
By David Jay Brown, Sara Phinn Huntley
A full-color exploration of DMT beings and Ayahuasca spirits

In this illustrated handbook, psychedelic explorer David Jay Brown and visionary artist Sara Phinn Huntley profile 25 of the most commonly encountered DMT and Ayahuasca entities, from “Self-Transforming Machine Elves” and insectoid Mantis Beings, to Reptilians and Gray Aliens, to Nature spirits and divine beings, including Gaia, angels and deities from world spiritual traditions.

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