Dolores Krieger, Ph.D., R.N.

Dolores Krieger, Ph.D., R.N. (1921-2019) was the author of The Therapeutic Touch, Accepting Your Power to Heal, and Therapeutic Touch Inner Workbook and was a professor emerita of nursing science at New York University.

Books By Dolores Krieger, Ph.D., R.N.

The Spiritual Dimension of Therapeutic Touch
The Spiritual Dimension of Therapeutic Touch
By Dora Kunz
Since 1972 Therapeutic Touch has been taught to tens of thousands of health care professionals. The Spiritual Dimension of Therapeutic Touch teaches how to rebalance the body’s energy through touch and visualization and provides an intimate glimpse into the work of Dolores Krieger and her mentor, Dora Kunz (1904-1999). Included are previously unpublished lectures by Dora Kunz, with commentary from Dolores Krieger.
A Healer’s Journey to Intuitive Knowing
A Healer’s Journey to Intuitive Knowing
By Dolores Krieger, Ph.D., R.N.
An investigation of the inner experience and self-awakening of a healer during and after an energy healing session

In this, her final book, respected Therapeutic Touch cofounder Dolores Krieger explores the energetic flow, intuitive knowing, and sustained state of grounded centeredness that occur for a healer during a healing session. She reveals how healing transforms the healer and how that transformation may elicit more profound and radical healing results.