Rev. James Erickson

Rev. James Erickson has the gift of clairsentience. He is a psychic and aura reader as well as a healer. He was ordained into the Order of Melchizedek in 1993. He lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Books By Rev. James Erickson

Tom Sawyer: A Modern-Day Messenger from God
Tom Sawyer: A Modern-Day Messenger from God
By Rev. Daniel Chesbro
A complete guide to the spiritual teachings of Tom Sawyer, who survived physical death in 1978 and returned with a mission from God

Featured on national news, on talk shows, and in research studies by Dr. Raymond Moody, Tom Sawyer was one of the first near-death-experience survivors to gain notoriety. Through more than 160 remarkable stories, the authors share Tom’s profound insights on life, death, and Unconditional Love gained through his direct encounter with the Light.