Sally Fryer Dietz, PT, DPT, CLC, CST-D

Sally Fryer Dietz, PT, DPT, CLC, CST-D, is a doctor of physical therapy, developmental specialist, sensory integration expert, lactation counselor, and Upledger CranioSacral Therapy Diplomate therapist and presenter. As a leading authority in therapeutic pediatrics—and the mother of two boys who learned in entirely different ways—she has helped thousands of children reach their fullest potential. She has taught her innovative therapy methods nationally and internationally. She currently lives in Dallas, Texas.

Books By Sally Fryer Dietz, PT, DPT, CLC, CST-D

Sensory Processing Solutions
Sensory Processing Solutions
By Sally Fryer Dietz, PT, DPT, CLC, CST-D
A guide to help you find the right therapy program for your child

Speaking from both her decades of professional experience as well as her own journey to help her oldest son, sensory integration expert Sally Fryer Dietz shares in-depth guidance to help you find the right support for your child with sensory processing issues. She explores non-medication therapy methods and presents dozens of success stories.