Sarah Janes

Sarah Janes is a writer, researcher, curator, retreat and workshop facilitator and public speaker. She specializes in the ancient history and culture of dreaming and has been an enthusiastic lucid dreamer since childhood. Sarah is passionate about the potential of dreaming for physical, emotional and spiritual development, not just for individuals, but for communities and society at large.

Sarah is co-director and curator of Dream Palace Athens, a symposium and deep-dreaming residency project in Greece. She is the host of the online lecture series Explorers Egyptology and is collaborating with Rupert Sheldrake and the British Pilgrimage Trust to reinvigorate the practice of dream incubation at sacred sites around the UK. Sarah also leads retreats to the ancient dream incubation sanctuaries of the Mediterranean.

Books By Sarah Janes

Initiation into Dream Mysteries
Initiation into Dream Mysteries
By Sarah Janes
A psychomagic journey to awaken lucid dream consciousness

Invoking Mnemosyne--Greek goddess of memory and archetypal deity of the Asklepion dream temple tradition--this book initiates you into full dream consciousness, offering a lucid-dreaming ritual experience in the spirit of the Mystery Schools of antiquity. Each initiatory chapter includes a psychodramatic narrative designed to generate the perfect dream for each initiatic stage.

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