A Druid's Handbook to the Spiritual Power of Plants

Spagyrics in Magical and Sexual Rituals

By (Author) Jon G. Hughes
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  • Edition: New Edition of Celtic Plant Magic
  • Pages: 320
  • Book Size: 6 x 9
  • ISBN-13: 9781620552650
  • Imprint: Destiny Books
  • On Sale Date: May 16, 2014
  • Format: Paperback Book
  • Illustrations: 34 b&w illustrations
The ancient Druids knew how to release the energies, healing attributes, and magical capacities of flowers and trees through the respectful seduction of a plant’s virtue and the 3-step spagyric process of separation, purification, and reunification. This book shows how to prepare extracts using these ancient methods with more than 70 flowers and trees.

Healing through Sound

» Other books by this author
A practical guide to creating plant extracts, essences, and complexes for use in Druidic sex magic rituals

• Explores the identification, harvesting, and magical properties of more than 70 flowers and trees

• Details the careful and meticulous spagyric preparation of plant extracts and complexes

• Demonstrates how plant compounds are used in Druidic sex magic rituals by both couples and groups

In this practical guide to Druidic plant magic, Jon G. Hughes reveals the gentle alchemy of converting plant essences into potent compounds for working sex magic rituals. Examining the identification, harvesting, and magical properties of more than 70 flowers and trees, he details the careful and meticulous spagyric preparation of plant extracts and complexes as well as the process of obtaining or creating suitable alcoholic spirits for the base of these preparations. He includes instructions to make all necessary tools and explores how to prepare yourself to work with plant essences and properly use the magical compounds you create.

Hughes explains how to release the energies, healing attributes, and magical capacities of flowers and trees through the respectful seduction of a plant’s virtue and the 3-step spagyric process of separation, purification, and reunification. He shows how the spagyric process maximizes the power of the acquired essence in preparation for its use in magical ritual. Detailing Druidic sex rituals for both a couple and a group, Hughes demonstrates how plant compounds are used in specific magical rituals and practices as well as the role of the plant complex in sexual potency. Exploring the underlying accord between alchemy and Druidic practices, Hughes provides a valuable manual for anyone wishing to harness the magical potential of plant energy.

The three cardinal essences derived from the tree are refined from the leaves, bark, and wood of the donor plant. It is necessary to harvest these three cardinal components in the correct proportion so that they will each yield the desired amount of cardinal essence for our use. The tree exerts its influence over a much larger area than do the smaller flowering plants.

Here follows an account of the harvesting of a branch from the oak tree (Quercus robur). This particular oak is growing in a secluded grove deep in the heart of the oldest oak forest in Europe, a place of supreme significance to me. This huge, ancient oak has donated much to the physical and spiritual development of my work. The tree is surrounded by many other oaks, each of which reinforces and strengthens its energies. In the spring, large numbers of bluebells, foxgloves, and primroses grow under the dappled sunlight of its canopy.

Because I know this tree intimately, it was not difficult for me to pick out one of its new branches as an ideal candidate for harvesting. Oak branches are best harvested in April and May, when tender new branches appear all over the tree. The oak is a tree of the sun, so I planned my harvesting to take place early in the morning.

For the harvesting ritual we need the following materials:

Your stave to cast the Protective Circle before harvesting.
Your dagger or triple-knotted rope to seal the cast Circle.
A sharp knife or pruning shears to cut the branch from the donor tree.
Your ritual robe.
A suitable wood sealant or natural beeswax to seal the stub of the branch left on the tree after harvesting and the end of the harvested branch.
A length of string or natural twine to tie the harvested branch into a loop.
A compass. It is essential that you be aware of your orientation as you begin the harvesting ritual.
An earth gift. A small token to leave at the harvesting site in return for the plants harvested. I often use the remains of libations or incenses used in previous rituals.
A small cloth or working stone cover on which to lay out the ritual tools.

Having gathered all my essentials, I soon found my way to the familiar glade and my favorite oak. I had established earlier that the branch I intended to harvest was growing due north out of the northern side of the oak, so I positioned myself and my cache of tools to the south of the tree, facing the tree and the north.

I changed into my ritual robe and, facing the tree with both my hands on the head of my stave, I adopted the power position of the inverted pyramid stance. Having raised my sensory awareness to a level where I felt prepared for the task ahead, I held the stave in both hands, lifted it high above my head, and began the ritual with the opening words of every Druidic ritual:

“And so it begins.”

I then cast a Protective Circle around the base of the tree, allowing enough room for its perimeter to enclose my cache of tools, laid out on the cloth in front of me.

I put aside my stave and removed my robe before sitting at the base of the oak with my spine resting against the tree’s trunk. As I sat, I began to focus on the sensory experiences I had heightened a little earlier, exploring my five senses and their interaction with the sounds, smells, airborne tastes, and feel of the forest that surrounded me.

Having established myself as part of the nature of the forest, I turned my attention to the donor oak. My spine became the conduit for the tree’s latent energies as I “plugged in to” its core. I searched my inner feelings to see if there was any negative emotion placed there by the tree and continued to do so until I was convinced that the tree had no objection to my harvesting. Returning to a state of worldly consciousness, I stood up and walked to my cache to collect the pruning shears.

Back at the tree, I cut off the branch about one inch from the tree’s trunk. I then quickly sealed the open ends of the stub on the tree and the end of the harvested branch to contain its natural energies. As I did so, I said:

“Thank you for your gift; I will use it well.”

Next, I looped the harvested branch so that its tip touched the cut end at its base and tied it in position with the twine. This serves to contain the natural energies of the branch as it circulates around the closed loop. If the branch ends are left open, the energy quickly disperses. If, in looping the branch, it breaks or cracks, it is interpreted as a significant indicator that the branch has not been gifted to you in the proper way. Broken branches are returned to the base of the tree as you say:

“I take what is given freely and return to you what is yours. May it always be the way.”

I then hung the looped branch from the stub left on the tree and walked back to my cache to collect the bottle containing my earth gift. Scattering a little of the earth gift onto the ground as I walked around the tree, I said:

“I take what you have given and return to you what was once yours. May this always be the way.”

At this point the harvesting is complete. The ritual is closed in the usual way. Picking up the stave in both hands, I raised it high above my head and said:

“And so it ends, at the beginning.”

The Use of Welsh Language
A Cautionary Note

Part 1
Alchemy: Its Relationship to the Druidic Tradition

Initial Research
Alchemy and Ancient Herbal Traditions
A Brief History of Alchemy

The Workings of Alchemical Preparations
Spagyric Theory
Practical Processes

Harmonious Associations

The Elevation of Basic Substances

Are Druids Actually Alchemists?

The Principles of Arriving at the Complex and the Incense
An Introduction to the Refinement Process
Flower Remedies
Conservation Issues
Morals and the Law

Part 2
Assessing the Natural Resources

Working within the Rhythm of Nature

Understanding the Nature of Your Donor Plants

Knowing and Identifying Plants

The Flower
The Life Cycle of the Flowering Plant
Flower Structure
The Two Cardinals of the Flower
Flowers of the Sun and the Moon
Flower Attributes
Harvesting Ritual
From Harvest to Workshop

The Tree
The Life Cycle of the Tree
Tree Structure
The Three Cardinals of the Tree
Trees of the Sun and the Moon
Tree Attributes
Harvesting Ritual
From Harvest to Workshop

Part 3
The Druidic Workshop

Workplace and Sanctuary

The Process of Obtaining Suitable Alcoholic Spirits


Refinement Tools

The Refinement Process: The Complex of the Flower
The Workshop Ledger
The Separation of the Two Cardinals of the Flower
The Maceration of the Two Cardinals of the Flower
The Leaching of the Two Cardinals of the Flower
A Pause for Reflection
The Fermentation of the Two Solid Cardinals of the Flower
The Unification of the Essences and of the Solid Cardinals
of the Flower
The Amalgamation of the Cardinal Essences to Form the
Complex of the Flower

The Refinement Process: The Complex of the Tree
The Separation of the Three Cardinals of the Tree
The Maceration of the Three Cardinals of the Tree
The Leaching of the Three Cardinals of the Tree
The Amalgamation of the Three Solid Cardinals of the Tree
The Amalgamation of the Cardinal Essences to Form the
Complex of the Tree


Part 4
Workings and Rituals

The Nature of the Complex
Single and Combined Complexes
The Crafting of a Two-Part Compound Complex:
The Ritual Working

Mediums to Carry the Complex
Mediums for the Application of Complexes to the Skin
Mediums for the Ingestion of Complexes

The Role of the Complex in Sexual Potency

The Role of the Complex in Sex Magic Rituals

Personal Preparation
Cleansing the Body
Purifying Internal Energy
Mental Preparation and Awareness

Moon-Cleansed Water: The Working

Casting the Circle
The Triple-Cast Circle: The Ritual
Sealing the Circle: The Ritual
Unsealing and Erasing the Circle: The Ritual

The Sex Magic Ritual: The Pair
The Ritual Incorporating the Complex of the Flower

The Sex Magic Ritual: The Group
The Ritual Incorporating the Complex of the Flower

Druid or Alchemist? A Conclusion


Jon G. Hughes is part of a lineage of Druids that has been practicing for five generations in a remote area of Wales. He is now teaching the tradition at his home in western Ireland and gives workshops and seminars throughout Europe under his Welsh name of Cynon. He is the director of the Irish Centre for Druidic Practices and the author of Sexual Practices of the Druids.

In this practical guide to Druidic plant magic, Jon G. Hughes reveals the gentle alchemy of converting plant essences into potent compounds for working sex magic rituals. Examining the identification, harvesting, and magical properties of more than 70 flowers and trees, he details the careful and meticulous spagyric preparation of plant extracts and complexes as well as the process of obtaining or creating suitable alcoholic spirits for the base of these preparations. He includes instructions to make all necessary tools and explores how to prepare yourself to work with plant essences and properly use the magical compounds you create.

Hughes explains how to release the energies, healing attributes, and magical capacities of flowers and trees through the respectful seduction of a plant’s virtue and the 3-step spagyric process of separation, purification, and reunification. He shows how the spagyric process maximizes the power of the acquired essence in preparation for its use in magical ritual. Detailing Druidic sex rituals for both a couple and a group, Hughes demonstrates how plant compounds are used in specific magical rituals and practices as well as the role of the plant complex in sexual potency. Exploring the underlying accord between alchemy and Druidic practices, Hughes provides a valuable manual for anyone wishing to harness the magical potential of plant energy.

JON G. HUGHES is part of a lineage of Druids that has been practicing for five generations in a remote area of Wales. He is now teaching the tradition at his home in western Ireland and gives workshops and seminars throughout Europe under his Welsh name of Cynon. He is the director of the Irish Centre for Druidic Practices and the author of Sexual Practices of the Druids.

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