Chi Kung

The Chinese Art of Mastering Energy

By (Author) Yves Réquéna
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  • Pages: 128
  • Book Size: 8 x 10
  • ISBN-13: 9780892816392
  • Imprint: Healing Arts Press
  • On Sale Date: November 1, 1996
  • Format: Paperback Book
  • Illustrations: 131 b&w illustrations
Here is a fully illustrated introduction to the ancient Chinese discipline of Chi Kung, presenting its general theory and the transformative exercises that can radically improve one's health and well-being by amplifying one's sensitivity to both the natural world and one's own personal potential.

Healing through Sound

Chi Kung, Chinese for "energy mastery," is an ancient physical discipline that utilizes deliberate movement, slow breathing, mental concentration, and visualizations. The discipline is based on the same energy meridians used in Chinese acupuncture and is fully integrated into the traditional five-element wisdom of Chinese healing. Chi Kung exercises not only promote physical well-being, but transform consciousness by amplifying one's sensitivity to both the natural world and one's own personal potential. With regular practice of no more than 15 to 30 minutes a day, the author shows how we can develop a more sensitive perception of our environment, allowing us to feed our own life energy from the magnetic resonance of the world around us.

The author's simple series of exercises is well within the capability of anyone, regardless of age or physical condition.

1.   Why Chi Kung?
2.   The Principles of Chi Kung
3.   Life Energy 

4.   Man Between Heaven and Earth
5.   The Three Powers of Chi Kung 

6.   The Three Forms of Chi Kung Practice
7.   The Massages 

8.   Embracing the Tree
9.   The Eight Pieces of Brocade
10.   Breathing 

Appendix I: Some Handy Tips
Appendix II: Sample Sessions 

Dr. Yves Requena is Europe's leading authority on Chi Kung. An acupuncturist and phytotherapist, he is the director of the European Institute of Chi Kung in France.

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