Driving Your Own Karma

Swami Beyondananda's Tour Guide to Enlightenment

By (Author) Swami Beyondananda
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  • Pages: 144
  • Book Size: 5.38 x 8.25
  • ISBN-13: 9780892812530
  • Imprint: Destiny Books
  • On Sale Date: July 1, 1989
  • Format: Paperback Book
Have you tried so many spiritual paths you've become pathological? Experienced so much personal growth you're totally growthed out? Look no more. Swami Beyondananda, whose syndicated columns, tapes, and live performances have delighted millions, has the ultimate answers for you.

Healing through Sound

Have you tried so many spiritual paths that you've become pathological? Experienced so much personal growth that you're totally growthed out? Do you think God probably loves you--but He's just not ready to make a commitment? Have you spent so much money on fixing yourself that now you're really broke? Do you think you might be confused, but you're just not sure? Look no more. Swami Beyondananda, whose syndicated columns, tapes, and live performances have delighted millions, has the ultimate answers for you.


Afterword: How to Survive the Coming Good Years: Swami Beyondananda's Message from the Future

Part One: There's No Place Like OM

Part Two: Looking Out for Number Two: Swami's Guide to Being on the Path

Part Three: The Miracle of Tell-A-Vision

Part Four: Towards Nonjudgment Day

Epilogue: Swami Speaks Out on Sects


Swami Beyondananda, who has been characterized as a cross between Ram Dass and Haagan Dasz, is the brain child and alter ego of writer/humorist Steve Bhaeman.  Steve is the author of two more or less serious books in the fields of education and self-help, and has also helped develop products such as Damitol and Absolutely Nothing.  He is a self-described seeker, even though he is well aware of Swami's caveat that “there's a seeker born every minute, and two to take him along the path.” A native of Brooklyn, New York, and longtime resident of Ann Arbor, Michigan, Steve, along with his wife, dancer Trudy Lite, recently moved to Santa Cruz because he heard the streets were paved with granola.