Journey into the Light

The Three Principles of Man's Awakening

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  • Pages: 352
  • Book Size: 6 x 9
  • ISBN-13: 9780892810383
  • Imprint: Inner Traditions
  • On Sale Date: April 1, 1984
  • Format: Paperback Book
This novel portrays the transformative encounter of the modern, scientific and rational mentality with the suprarational, spiritual intelligence that guides us on the Path of the Mysteries. Through dramatic dialogue and interplay between master and student, we are initiated into the realm of the spirit.

Healing through Sound

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This novel portrays the transformative encounter of the modern, scientific and rational mentality with the suprarational, spiritual intelligence that guides us on the Path of the Mysteries. Through dramatic dialogue and interplay between master and student, we are initiated into the realm of the spirit.

Journey Into the Light

1.   The Conflict
2.   Maitre Jacques: "I Am You"
3.   Maitre Jacques versus Pierre du Coignet
4.   The Atelier of Maitre Dominique
5.   Breaking the "Barrier of Possibility"
6.   The Two Aspects of Soul and Consciousness
7.   Vice, Virtue, and Art
8.   The Circus
9.   The Family and the Couple
10.  The Marionettes
11.  Simplicity
12.  The Invisible Powers
13.  Remorse
14.  Brahmanism, Buddhism, Christianity
15.  The Compagnons du Devoir
16.  Presence
17.  The Cosmic Virgin
18.  Emotion
19.  The Christ Principle

Isha Schwaller de Lubicz spent her youth studying Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, and Hebrew theology and mysticism. As pupil of R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz and later as his wife, she went on to investigate other religions and philosophical systems, including Taoism, Islam.

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