Medicine Hands Therapists Workbook and Journal

Activities to Deepen Oncology Massage Practice

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  • Pages: 176
  • Book Size: 7.5 x 10
  • ISBN-13: 9781844096725
  • Imprint: Findhorn Press
  • On Sale Date: July 12, 2016
  • Format: Paperback Book
  • Illustrations: 15 b&w illustrations
Oncology massage is growing into a discipline with a deep body of knowledge. This workbook and journal includes quizzes, supplemental activities, awareness exercises, reflective questions, ethical dilemmas, touch exercises, and case studies so that the information becomes more ingrained.

Healing through Sound

Education is undergoing a vast transformation through the creation of new technologies. While the workbook/journal format might seem low-tech by comparison, it has an important place in acquiring knowledge and skills. A workbook is the original self-paced learning system.

Whether a practitioner is beginning to study massage for people affected by cancer or is deepening their practice, learning occurs through a number of directions: self-study, guided clinical lessons with an experienced teacher, supervised hands-on practice with clients, mentoring, and peer support via group interactions. "Medicine Hands", the textbook, addresses the knowledge needed to work safely with these clients. "Medicine Hands Therapist Workbook and Journal" focuses on practicing with the information so that it becomes more ingrained. The workbook and journal uses the following types of activities to build practitioner knowledge: * quizzes * supplemental activities * awareness exercises * reflective questions * ethical dilemmas * touch exercises * case studies. Like "Medicine Hands", the workbook and journal continues the use of the pressure, site and position framework as a core tenet.

1 Introduction: Cancer—A Part of Life 1
2 Understanding Cancer and Metastasis: Biology not Mechanics
3 Touch—Relax for Body, Mind, and Heart: A Review of the Research
4 The Side Effects of Cancer Treatment: Why The Need for a Less Demanding Approach
5 Pressure, Site, and Position: An Organizational Framework
6 Gathering Information: An Essential Part of the Massage Session
7 First Do No Harm: Adjusting for the Common Side Effects of Cancer Treatment
8 The New Normal: The Role of Massage During Recovery
9 Living Beyond Cancer: Considerations for Survivors
10 Side Effects of Cancer: Disease-Related Adjustments
11 Being is Enough: Comforting Touch at the End of Life
12 Massage as Respite: Caring for the Caregivers
13 Companions on the Journey: Who Gives? Who Receives?

Gayle MacDonald, MS, LMT, supervises massage therapists in the oncology units of Oregon Health and Science University. She is also the author of "Medicine Hands: Massage Therapy for People with Cancer and Massage for the Hospital Patient and Medically Frail Client". For more info see: