Salud Natural después del Parto

La Guía Completa para una Buena Salud Postparto

By (Author) Aviva Jill Romm
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  • Pages: 276
  • Book Size: 6 x 9
  • ISBN-13: 9780892816965
  • Imprint: Inner Traditions en Español
  • On Sale Date: September 10, 2003
  • Format: Paperback Book
Salud Natural después del Parto encauza la necesidad de madres nuevas de reponer su cuerpo, mente y espíritu para poder cuidar a su bebe. Este libro proporciona apoyo para nuevas madres, ayudando tanto a las que se quedan en casa, como a aquellas que regresan al trabajo poco después del parto.

Healing through Sound

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Las nuevas madres necesitan de su propio cuidado y apoyo especial igual que sus nuevos bebés para ajustarse a los innumerables cambios que enfrentan después del nacimiento: cambios en la imagen de su cuerpo, estilo de vida, arreglos en el trabajo y relaciones. Ahora la partera, especialista herbolaria y madre de cuatro, Aviva Jill Romm comparte sus años de experiencia y nos ilustra en cómo hacer de esta transición crucial de vida un suceso suave y feliz.

Aviva ofrece soluciones a situaciones que pueden parecer completamente abrumadoras cómo tener el suficiente descanso al construir un círculo de apoyo de su familia y amigas; cómo comer bien usando sus 17 recetas altas en energía; cómo recargar su espíritu con baños sanadores; y cómo recobrar su fuerza y tono de su abdomen y del área pélvica, con ejercicios de yoga postnatales. Proporcionando 80 remedios herbales fáciles de hacer, para sanar y restaurar la vitalidad de su cuerpo y estimular la producción de leche, Aviva lleva su consejo a través del primer año completo, incluyendo pautas de cómo calmar a bebés molestos y cómo recobrar su vida sexual de las madres.

Salud Natural después del Parto proporciona el apoyo que a menudo les falta a las nuevas madres ayuda tanto a las madres que se quedan en casa, como a aquellas que regresarán a sus trabajos poco después del parto. Escrito con humor y compasión por alguien que en realidad entiende el viaje, Aviva Romm ofrece una sabiduría práctica y estrategias concretas, para negociar con el hermoso pero demandante camino de la maternidad, mientras mantiene un fuerte sentido de su propio yo.

Natural Health after Birth
The Complete Guide to Postpartum Wellness

What is the Postpartum? 

Midwife Raven Lang once stated, "As long as the baby is still in diapers and you're up in the night, you're postpartum." Such a view reminds mothers that the demands of motherhood, which can include intense sleep deprivation and maximum amounts of energy being poured out 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to another person, no matter how loved and wanted that baby is, is demanding. Unfortunately, our cultural definition of postpartum does not include this more simple and holistic view.

Rather than limiting postpartum to an arbitrarily chosen six weeks allowed for recovery, many midwives, childbirth educators, and postpartum doulas are encouraging women to see the postpartum as a fourth trimester, allowing themselves at least a full three months for physical recovery, spiritual integration, and emotional assimilation. Even three months, agree many experts, may be too short a time, with many mothers saying that it was closer to eight months when they began to feel more settled in their role as mother, and able to also regain a sense of personal identity and clarity. Three months, however, may be considered the first milestone when women begin to feel like they are getting their feet on the ground. It also gives friends and family a clear framework for setting expectations for the mother, allowing her three full months to receive active help and support. Most of all, it allows you to be gentle with yourself on those days that are more challenging, and gives you an excuse to lie around snuggling with that beautiful baby, savoring every minute as he or she blossoms before your eyes.

After the three-month milestone, one can realistically expect to continue to experience emotional peaks and valleys for many more months as hormones fluctuate, eating habits vary, sleep deprivation continues, baby's breastfeed, and you strive to keep up with your baby's changing schedule and needs. As a midwife I continue to get calls from mothers well into the first year after they've given birth, with questions about sleeping habits, teething, breastfeeding, introducing solid foods, and so on. It is always an opportunity to really check in with the mom to see how she is doing, whether she is caring for herself as well as she is caring for her baby, and to praise her on a job well done. These phone conversations are often filled with sighs of relief from the moms, as they hear me remind them that feeling overwhelmed is part of the territory of motherhood in our fast-paced society, and reflects no short-comings of their own. Expanding the definition for postpartum to include the first year after birth may initially seem like a long time, which in itself may be intimidating, but in the long run it allows you flexible boundaries and should relieve you of a false deadline that says you have to "have it together" by a certain time.

Natural Health after Birth
The Complete Guide to Postpartum Wellness

The Birth of a Mother
Birth: Only the Beginning
What Is the Postpartum?
Postnatal Care
The Fourth Trimester
Signs and Guideposts
Honoring Our Range of Emotions
Being a Mother Is Second Nature, Isn’t It?
Realistic Expectations
The Feminine Mystique Revisited
Sacrifice and Empowerment
Developing Confidence
Mothering Archetypes
New-Mother Care around the World
Postpartum USA: Immediately after Birth
Immediately after Birth: A Glimpse at Traditions
Rites of Passage
Postpartum Family Support
Heat and Healing
Wrapping the Belly
Men and Postpartum Care
Bringing the Best to the West
Preparing for the Postpartum before Baby Is Born
Late Pregnancy Health Is the Foundation for a Healthy Birth Recovery
The Needs of New Mothers
Creating a Support Circle
Breast Feeding
Maternity and Paternity Leaves
Creating a Postpartum Sanctuary
Drawing from a Full Well
The First Days after Birth
The Birth Setting and Postpartum Experience
Physical Changes in the Days after Birth
Herbal Baths
The Shape of Your Body
Healing from a Cesarean
Your Digestive System
When Your Milk Comes In
Breast-Feeding Challenges in the First Days
Sore Nipples
Difficulty Nursing
Insufficient Breast Milk
Breast-Feeding Support in the Days after Birth
If You Aren’t Breast-Feeding
Reflecting on Your Birth
A Difficult Birth
Emotional Highs and Lows
Body Tonics
Sex after Birth
Your Healthy Newborn
Signs of Illness in the Newborn
Babies in Need of Special Care
Getting Enough Rest
Visitors, Visitors, and More Visitors
New-Mama Nutrition
The Partner Relationship
Older Children
The Next Six Weeks
More Body Changes
Where Did Everybody Go . . . or Yes, You Still Need Help around the House
Reinventing Yourself as a Mother
More Birth Reflections
Further Breast-Feeding Adventures
Herbs and Breast Feeding
The Magic of Your Baby
Fussy Babies
Infant Massage
Sleeping Arrangements
Getting Around with Baby
More Exercises for Loving Your Post-Birth Body
Back into the Swing of Things
Working and Breast-Feeding
Breast Pumps, Nursing, and Making It Work
Relationship Challenges and Triumphs
Sex in the Weeks after Birth
Baby Blues
Postpartum Depression
The Light at the End of the Tunnel
Nutrition for New Mothers
Not Pregnant Anymore: What You Need Now
Lactation and Nutrition
Planning a Healthy Diet
Into the First Year
Wondering Who You Are
“I Feel Like I Can’t Get Anything Done”
Your Body
Motherhood and Your Career
Teething Baby, Sleepless Nights
Still Nursing
New-Mother Moods
Isolation and Social Networks
Postpartum Depression
Parenting Issues
Relationships, Sexuality, Fertility, and Birth Control
Replenishing Yourself
New-Mother Meditations
New-Mother Checklist
Creating Time to Nurture Yourself
Your Pelvic Floor
Free-Movement Dance
Postnatal Yoga
Fabulous Healing Baths
Shower Spa
Simple Pleasures for Your Hair and Body
Creating a Home Spa
Quiet Time Alone
Exploring Your Creativity
Keeping a Journal
Be Gentle with Yourself: Embrace and Enjoy Your Baby
Herbal Preparations
Purchasing Herbs
Herbal Preparation
Forms of Preparation
Herbs and Herbal Supplies, Books, Support and Information Groups, Educational
Programs, and Additional Health Supplies
Support and Resource Organizations
Educational Resources and Magazines
Miscellaneous Products
Bulk Herbs, Herbal Products, Books, and Supplies

AvivA Jill Romm es una partera profesional certificada, practicante herbolaria y la presidenta del Gremio Americano de Herbolarios. Sus hijos ahora tienen 17, 14, 10 y 8 años de edad. Sus libros anteriores incluyen The Natural Pregnancy Book (El Libro del Embarazo Natural), Vaccinations: A Thoughtful Parent's Guide (Vacunas: Una Guía Inteligente para los Padres), y Naturally Healthy Babies and Children (Bebés y Niños Naturalmente Saludables). Ella vive con su familia en Georgia.
"This is a superb and much needed book that should help and support all postpartum mothers."
Suzanne Arms, award winning photojournalist, author of Immaculate Deception II : Myth, Magic and Birth

"Thirty years ago, when I had my babies, we were rediscovering natural birth and breast-feeding. But, we struggled alone during postpartum. If I had been able to read Aviva's book then, I would have cried less. Every new mother should have a copy of this book."
Peggy O'Mara, Editor and Publisher of Mothering magazine

"Destined to have widespread appeal for its compassionate and wise advice. Thank you, Aviva, for so much vital information in one volume." Jeannine Parvati Baker, author of Prenatal Yoga and Natural Childbirth

"Finally, a book that addresses an aspect of birthing that has been forgotten in the western world.  This book should make a valuable contribution not only to women, but to the whole family." Mary Bove, N.D., of the Brattleboro Naturopathic Clinic, Brattleboro, Vermont

"Destinado a tener una amplia aceptación, por su consejo compasivo y sabio.  Gracias Aviva, por tanta información vital en un volumen"
Jeannine Parvati Baker, autora de Prenatal Yoga and Natural Childbirth
(Yoga Prenatal y Nacimiento Natural)

"Finalmente, un libro que habla de un aspecto del nacimiento que ha sido olvidado en el mundo occidental.  Este libro debería ser una contribución valiosa, no sólo para las mujeres, sino para toda la familia".
Mary Bove, N.D., autora de An Enciclopedia of Natural Healing for Children and Infants
(Una Enciclopedia de Curación Natural para Niños e infantes).

"Este es un libro excelente y muy necesario, que debería ayudar y apoyar a todas las madres en posparto".
Suzanne Arms, ganadora del premio de fotografía periodística y autora de Immaculate Deception II: Myth, Magic and Birth
(Inmaculada Decepción II: Mito, Magia y Nacimiento)

Las nuevas madres necesitan de su propio cuidado y apoyo especial igual que sus nuevos bebés para ajustarse a los innumerables cambios que enfrentan después del nacimiento: cambios en la imagen de su cuerpo, estilo de vida, arreglos en el trabajo y relaciones.  Ahora la partera, especialista herbolaria y madre de cuatro, Aviva Jill Romm cmparte sus años de experiencia y nos ilustra en cómo hacer de esta transición crucial de vida un suceso suave y feliz.

Aviva ofrece soluciones a situaciones que pueden paracer completamente abrumadoras cómo tener el suficiente descanso al construir un círculo de apoyo de su familia y amigas; cómo recargar su espíritu con baños sanadores; y cómo recobrar su fuerza y tono de su abdomen y del área pélvica, con ejercicios de yoga postnatales.  Proporcionando 80 remedios herbales fáciles de hacer, para sanar y restaurar la vitalidad se su cuerpo y estimular la producción de leche Aviva lleva su consejo a través del primer año completo, incluyendo pautas de cómo calmar a bebés molestos y cómo recobrar su vida sexual de las madres.

Salud Natural después del Parto proporciona el apoyo que a menudo les falta a las nuevas madres ayuda tanto a las madres que se quedan en casa, como a aquellas que regresarán a sus trabajos poco después del parto.  Escrito con humory compasión por alguien que en realidad entiende el viaje, Aviva Romm ofrece una sabiduría práctica y estrategias concretas, para negociar con el hermoso per demandante camino de la maternedad, mientras mantiene un fuerte sentido de su propio yo.

Aviva Jill Romm es una partera profesional certificada, practicante herbolaria y la presidenta del Gremio Americano de Herbolarios.  Sus hijos ahora tienen 17, 14, 10 y 8 años de edad.  Sus libros anteriores incluyen The Natural Pregnancy Book (El libro del Embarazo Natural), Vaccinations: A Thoughtful Parent's Guide (Vacunas: Una Guía para Padres Inteligentes), y Naturally Healthy Babies and Children (Bebés y Niños Naturalmente Saludables).  Ella vive con su familia en Georgia.

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