The Shaman's Doorway

Opening Imagination to Power and Myth

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  • Pages: 272
  • Book Size: 6 x 9
  • ISBN-13: 9780892816729
  • Imprint: Inner Traditions
  • On Sale Date: March 1, 1998
  • Format: Paperback Book
  • Illustrations: 23 b&w illustrations
The Shaman's Doorway is an inspiring treatise on the importance of traditional indigenous values in modern psyche and society. Defining the task of the shaman as one of creating a sense of accord with the root of all being, Professor Larsen shows how the shaman, all too often perceived as belonging to the past, actually holds the key to our future.

Shadow Work for the Soul

» Other books by this author
The Shaman’s Doorway is one of the most significant and inspiring works on the relationship of shamanism to both the psyche and society. Drawing on his experience as a psychotherapist and his understanding of primordial shamanic traditions, Stephen Larsen shows the relevance of this path to the modern world and how it can lead to a creative and affirmative relationship with life. “Life dismembers us,” Larsen says, and a new grasp of these ancient techniques for altering consciousness is required to escape from the alienation and confusion caused by our demythologized and industrialized environment. Defining the task of the shaman as one of bringing meaning and healing into life, Larsen clearly shows how the shaman, all too often perceived as belonging to the world’s past, holds the key to our future.


Preface to the Second Edition



The Mythic Imagination

The Enactment of Vision

3  Priests, Scientists, Yogis

Myths of Relationship and Integration


Source Notes


Stephen Larsen is a practicing psychotherapist and director of the Stone Mountain Counseling Center. Codirector of the Center for Symbolic Studies, he is the author of The Mythic Imagination and coauthor of Fire in the Mind, the biography of his friend and mentor Joseph Campbell.
"Shamanism represents a body of knowledge that is pertinent to the ailments of contemporary society. Dr. Larsen guides us through this legacy with skill and ease, teaching us how the shaman's visions can expand our own awareness."
Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., author of Personal Mythology and Broken Images, Broken Selves

"An excellent analytical and harmonizing survey of this very complex field."
Joseph Campbell


“Shamanism represents a body of knowledge that is pertinent to the ailments of contemporary society. Dr. Larsen guides us through this legacy with skill and ease, teaching us how the shaman’s vision can expand our own awareness.”
--Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., author of Personal Mythology and Broken Images, Broken Selves

The Shaman’s Doorway is one of the most significant and inspiring works on the relationship of shamanism to both the psyche and society. Drawing on his experience as a psychotherapist and his understanding of primordial shamanic traditions, Stephen Larsen shows the relevance of this path to the modern world and how it can lead to a creative and affirmative relationship with life. “Life dismembers us,” Larsen says, and a new grasp of these ancient techniques for altering consciousness is required to escape from the alienation and confusion caused by our demythologized and industrialized environment. Defining the task of the shaman as one of bringing meaning and healing into life, Larsen clearly shows how the shaman, all too often perceived as belonging to the world’s past, holds the key to our future.

STEPHEN LARSEN is a practicing psychotherapist and director of the Stone Mountain Counseling Center. Codirector of the Center for Symbolic Studies, he is the author of The Mythic Imagination and coauthor of Fire in the Mind, the biography of his friend and mentor Joseph Campbell.

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