Ways to Better Breathing

By (Author) Carola Speads
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  • Pages: 144
  • Book Size: 6.75 x 8
  • ISBN-13: 9780892813971
  • Imprint: Healing Arts Press
  • On Sale Date: April 1, 1992
  • Format: Paperback Book
  • Illustrations: 24 b&w illustrations
A life-long teacher of breathing practices offers a program of gentle exercises that relieve stress and benefit all who use breath consciously, including those in the performing arts and public speaking.

Healing through Sound

Carola Speads, who studied and taught for many years with the pioneering movement teacher Elsa Gindler, shows us how the quality of our breathing determines the quality of our lives. Her flexible program of gentle exercises maximizes the benefits of breathing for people of all ages. Once learned, these exercises take only a few minutes each day. Their regular practice brings improved health, psychlogical well-being, energy, and creativity. Whether we use our breath consciously in professions such as the performing arts, teaching, or heavy physical labor, or whether we would simply like to learn basic techniques to alleviate the pressures of stressful living, Ways to Better Breathing offers powerful methods for bringing more vitality and fulfillment into our lives.

Ways to Better Breathing

Part 1:  The Basics
1.  The Role of Habits and the Best Way of Breathing
2.  Method of Working
3.  Sensations Related to Breathing
4.  The Breathing Pause
5.  Speed of Recovery of Breathing
6.  A Decisive Moment
7.  Emergency Measures
8.  Stumbling Blocks
9.  Technicalities
Part 2:  The Experiments
10.  The Checkup
11.  The Straw Experiment
12.  The Tapping Experiments
13.  The Open Mouth Experiment
14.  The Sibilant "S" Experiment
15.  The Exhalation on the Palm Experiment
16.  The Skinfold Experiment
17.  The Pressure Experiments
18.  The Position Experiments
19.  The Humming Experiment
20.  The Movement Experiments
21.  The Awareness Experiment
22.  Specifics For Emergencies
Reference to specific chapters for use in emergencies

Born in Germany, Carola Speads began her professional career at the Anna Herman School of Physical Training and Movement in Berlin, where she later opened up her own school. Since 1940, Ms. Speads has offered group and individual instruction in New York City and given workshops across the United States and Europe.


Ways to Better Breathing

Carola Speads, who studied and taught for many years with the pioneering movement teacher Elsa Gindler, shows us how the quality of our breathing determines the quality of our lives. Her flexible program of gentle exercises maximizes the benefits of breathing for people of all ages. Once learned, these exercises take only a few minutes each day. Their regular practice brings improved health, psychlogical well-being, energy, and creativity. Whether we use our breath consciously in professions such as the performing arts, teaching, or heavy physical labor, or whether we would simply like to learn basic techniques to alleviate the pressures of stressful living, Ways to Better Breathing offers, powerful methods for bringing more vitality and fulfillment into our lives.

Born in Germany, CAROLA SPEADS began her professional career at the Anna Herman School of Physical Training and Movement in Berlin, where she later opened up her own school. Since 1940, Ms. Speads has offered group and individual instruction in New York City and given workshops across the United States and Europe.