Angelic Help for a Better Life

Angelic Help for a Better Life
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Angelic Help for a Better Life

by Robbie Holz, author of Angels in Waiting

Who Are Angels and Guardian Angels?

Regardless of whether you’re aware of them or even believe in them, there is always an angel by your side. Angels are etheric, immortal beings of light. They are on Earth to serve, by choice, and be called upon when needed. Angels are here now in unprecedented numbers to help bring about a global awakening. We are shifting into a higher consciousness that will create a love-based existence of harmony and peace. Angels are committed to serving humanity in these transformational times of awakening.

Their mission is also to help humankind realize our Divine Nature. They want to assist us to reach our highest potential where we can fully express our Divine qualities.

Every single person on Earth has at least one guardian angel assigned to them. You are never without the presence of an angelic being. A guardian angel is by your side from your first breath to your last. Your guardian angel is the first one to respond to your needs and requests. Think of them as the gatekeepers or first responders.

Guardian angels are designed to be the easiest of all the angelic beings for you to communicate with and develop a connection. You don’t need to know your guardian angel’s name. Call them whatever feels right to you. Their love for you is far beyond human comprehension. Angels love you just as you are and without judgment. They will never lose patience or become frustrated with you. They don’t have those kinds of emotions.

You Need to Ask for Angelic Intervention

Earth is a free-will planet. It’s a learning lab where souls bravely incarnate because of the tremendous opportunities for growth and evolution. However, it was never your soul’s intention for you to be attending this tough school alone. There is always help available from the other side of the veil at any given moment. Remember, your guardian angel never leaves your side during your lifetime.

Your guardian angel will not intrude except to protect you from harm, being killed, or experiencing something your soul does not intend for you. Since Earth is a free-will planet, you make your own decisions. There are no “mistakes.” There may be healthier and wiser choices, but your guardian angel knows you learn from everything, especially pain. There is nothing wrong with pain. It’s one of the best catalysts for change.

Take the example of a wise, loving parent who watches as their child learns to tie his or her shoelaces. Even if the child gets the laces tangled up in knots, the parent knows it’s all part of the learning process. If the child asks for help, then the parent assists in the best supportive way.

Your guardian angel understands that choices that lead to painful consequences are often your greatest teachers. Adversity and difficult challenges lead to growth (which is why older souls sign up for them). The angels do not judge you or try to interfere with your learning process. They wait for you to ask for help. Angels will not infringe on your free will, even if your choices are leading you down a path of suffering. However, many of us are creating more pain and struggle than our souls intend.

Angels Respond to Your Requests According to Your Soul’s Intentions

Angels are happy to step in when you ask for their help. When you do ask, they always respond. Every. Single. Time. They respond according to your soul’s intentions, and the highest good of all. That last sentence is crucial and worth repeating: They respond according to your soul’s intentions, and the highest good of all.

People frequently believe angels are not answering their pleas for help. They hear you and are responding but it may not be in the way you expect. For instance, you can ask them to help you win the lottery to ease your financial burdens, but if it is not your soul’s intentions to do so (which it likely is not), they won’t assist you in hitting the $40-million jackpot. However, they will follow your soul’s desires and bring you money in other ways.

Your guardian angel is here to help you accomplish your soul’s desires. While your guardian angel is the first in line to assist you, everyone from the other side of the veil is available to you as well. The intention is that you have powerful assistance always accessible. You are not going through this journey alone. You are supposed to be using their help.

Angels Are Governed by Spiritual Laws

All angels are governed by Spiritual Laws. One specific Spiritual Law is to not interfere with free will. Based on that Spiritual Law, if you ask your angels to help your brother-in-law find a job, they will not intervene unless he asks for their aid. Angels will never force anyone to do anything against their will. The angels know pain and struggle are part of the learning process. They also see the bigger picture and understand the soul’s intentions.

For instance, your brother-in-law’s soul may want him to become less materialistic. The angels must always follow the soul’s desires. They are not allowed to assist in opposition to the soul’s intentions. However, the angels are always allowed to send love. At your request to help your brother-in-law, they will send him the energy of love. It is up to your brother-in-law whether he accepts or rejects that love.

One of the biggest limitations for angels is the restriction that requires them to respond to you per your soul’s intentions. For example, if your soul desires you to achieve greater self-love, you may have been deliberately born into an obese family who conditioned you during childhood with unhealthy eating habits and low self-esteem. You may be extremely overweight and berate yourself for not conforming to society’s standards of beauty. Your soul may want you to experience being overweight to help you learn to love yourself exactly as you are.

You may ask your angels to help you lose excess weight because you hate how you look. Your angels understand the extra weight is a method to facilitate learning to love yourself regardless of the numbers on the bathroom scale. The angels will help you learn to love yourself first before they then aid in weight loss. They cannot eliminate the excess weight while it is still needed as a tool to help you overcome self-criticism.

Universal Laws Limit How Angels Respond

In addition to Spiritual Laws, angels are also governed by Universal Laws. One Universal Law prohibits the angels from healing someone’s body when it is physically no longer capable of healing itself. Say you ask the angels to help you heal from Stage IV breast cancer, for example; they will not do so if your body is incapable of healing at that advanced stage of the disease. However, they will assist you in coping with the cancer. They may send you pain relief, acceptance, and peace. Despite your repeated pleas, they will not interfere if your soul is using that illness as a method for you to physically pass and return home.

Angels also will not completely heal something if it’s still needed for soul growth. For instance, if you suddenly became debilitated due to an accident because your soul wanted you to develop greater compassion for people with physical challenges, your angels would have permission to heal you only after you acquired compassion for others.

Once you have requested help from the angels, release all expectations about how and when they will respond. They are aware of every single plea and are fulfilling each request according to your soul’s intentions, the highest good of all, and the governing Spiritual and Universal Laws.

There Are Endless Ways Angels Can Help You

Your guardian angel has many ways to assist you. The intent was always that you utilize their tremendous help. You do not need to live your life unassisted. Helping you is as easy as child’s play for them. The challenge is getting your resistant mind to go in the direction they are trying to guide you. They always honor your free will, so they will never force you to do anything.

Here are a few of the many ways they can help once you’ve asked for their assistance:

  • They download energies into you. If you have difficulty forgiving someone, they will continually send you the energy of forgiveness.
  • They provide clarity. If you struggle to understand why the same difficult events keep occurring, they can help you understand the message behind these challenges.
  • They provide protection. If you are traveling by plane or driving in unfamiliar areas, they can help you arrive safely at your destination.
  • They soften triggers and help you unhook more easily. When you get caught up in negativity—criticism, judgment, anxiety—angels can help you shift to love-based thoughts and emotions. You emerge from the dark alleys of fear and negativity more quickly and eventually stop entering them.
  • They help you find awe in everyday moments. When asked, the angels can help you feel the wonder and joy in your everyday life.
  • They help you release stress and fear. Angels can help you find relief from anxiety and worry. With their assistance you can live a happier, more confident, and more peaceful life.

Your Life Will Become Greatly Enhanced with Angelic Assistance

You have your own personal guardian angel, a being that has watched over you since the moment you were born. It should be an enormously comforting thought that you’re never without access to this angelic being. Never!

Your guardian angel is telepathic to all your thoughts. Asking in your mind for their help is all you need to do to engage their assistance. Don’t complicate it. It’s incredibly easy. Asking once in your mind is all they need.

The relationship with your guardian angel is truly a symbiotic one. It may be easier to ask for help if you realize that every time your guardian angel assists, it enables them to grow because they are serving you out of tremendous love. In truth, you and your guardian angel are in a cooperative, mutually beneficial relationship. Because they are serving you out of immense love, every time you ask and allow their help, they evolve. As you grow, they grow. It’s a win/win for everyone, so ask away.

As you focus on your guardian angel, you will become more aware of them and how they can dramatically impact your life. My book, Angels in Waiting: How to Reach Out to Your Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides, details step-by-step how to engage their powerful assistance to help you with your struggles and desires. It also describes how to build a stronger connection to angels, more easily recognize their help and guidance, and understand and achieve your soul’s intentions for this lifetime.     

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