Angels: Why and Two Hows

Angels: Why and Two Hows
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Angels: Why and Two Hows

by Kathryn Hudson, author of Inviting Angels into Your Life

The sun is shining here in Paris (even if we are on lockdown), and so I am feeling blessed.

That said, thoughts of my hometown (the Bronx) and a town where I have a home (Emerald Isle, NC, a magical land of dolphins and pelicans) are never far, especially in bemusing times like these.

… which brings me to the “why” part of today’s ANGEL blog!

As mentioned in my book Inviting Angels into Your Life, connecting with Angels becomes even more important in uncertain times where things are shifting so quickly in our world: pandemic, political divisions, changing seasons, economic questions – so many elements are being shaken up at once!

It would be so easy to get pulled down in the undertow of worry and fear, infected by the general angst surrounding us… but NO!

The Angels -- how God or Source expresses and connects with us most easily during our lives here on the earth -- are really rooting for us, and hoping we accept their offer of help!

While many may have been told as children that guardian Angels are here to love, watch over, help, and protect us, often our time here on earth disabuses us of the notion. We can forget, in the hubbub of busy life, that there is no expiration date on that assistance, that as we grow older and our need for Angelic assistance increases, that help does not somehow evaporate. Angels do not somehow disappear!

Rather, they remain at our side, hoping that we remember to call on them… because we do not have to do this all on our own!

That covers the “WHY” of it, now we go to the first of the HOWs.

HOW #1: How do the Angels help?

Once we invite them to help us (as they cannot act if we do not ask – our free will is respected, always), the Angels get creative in finding ways to assist us.

For example, in the midst of too many items on my to-do list, I had lost sight of the submission date for this very article. (I can hear them giggling.) But suddenly, this morning, instead of working on the urgent last edit of my new book (Discovering Your Crystal Family, coming Fall 2021), I felt pushed to clear off the countertop in my kitchen. If I had started working on the edit, it would have certainly kept me thoroughly absorbed all the day … thereby missing the blog deadline! HA! They didn’t want that to happen… it is important that we / you connect with them here, now!  So, quelle surprise, on the counter, I found the note I wrote myself a while ago, noting the deadline of this blog!!! (Thanks, guys!)

So… Angels help us in VERY tangible ways! When we allow them to take an active role in our daily life, they can become like our “celestial mentors,” creating the serendipitous events around us that keep us on track for our highest, most shining life! With their help, we meet the people we need to meet (they led me here today), we go to the places we are meant to be, and we develop a guidance system, a heart-GPS (Guardian Protection System) that can lead us to relaxing into life, enjoying our time on earth (even) more!

Which brings us to the other “HOW”…

HOW #2: How can we open up to Angels?

Happily, the answer is “easily”!

To open up to the ANGELS around you, there are really just three simple steps: decide, ask, and receive!

1. Decide.

Decide that you want their help.

Maybe you are tired of trying to juggle it all, tired of slogging through the metaphorical mud, so this is an easy decision.

On the other hand, maybe you handle it all so well that you don’t really feel you need any help. If so, think about it: wouldn’t it be nice if sometimes you were to receive help (since you give so much)? Furthermore, wouldn’t it be nice to have a breather?  Lastly, wouldn’t it be nice to feel the Presence of the sacred each day, all day, reminding you that you are much more than the form you see in the mirror?

Sure it would! So either way, deciding should be easy.

2. Ask.

Ask ‘em!

Ask the Angels around you to come on into your life, and lend a hand!

You don’t have to know any names (names often come after some contact, if you decide to continue with them), just “Angels around me” will do.

It can be with regard to a specific situation, or general assistance, or both. (I suggest both!)

Use your own words… and ask from the heart. Let them know that you are using your free will to invite them in. To become your team. No fancy words necessary (although you might have some you like and, in that case, use them). In any case, the moment you slow and stop with this intention, the Angels read your heart and the party begins!

3. Receive.

Pay attention… after asking for help, pay attention and take note of what happens, so you recognize their Hand in events which arise in your life. Allow them to flow you away from that which does not serve… towards that which does. Lastly, when you see their handiwork, thank them – that greases the wheels, for sure! But most of all, notice… and be amazed.


Here is a short protocol for Inviting Angels into Your Life. It will only take a few moments (unless you decide you love it and go on longer). If you like it, you might want to check out the book of the same name.

  1. Slow, stop, and breathe. Give yourself 4 complete breaths to come quiet.
  2. Close your eyes (easier to stay focused).
  3. Out loud (or not), use a simple phrase to ask your Angels in, something as simple as “Hello, my Angels. I am ready. Please come into my life (and help me with this situation).”
  4. Extend your hands, palms upward, in front of you, as if you are going to receive a big gift. (You are.)
  5. Breath in and out in that space until your mind calms, and for as long as you enjoy it.
  6. Thank them, and remember they are with you even after you “finish”.

Even one person who connects in this way (or any other way, your way) creates a Connection between the Heavens and the earth which supports more love and light on the planet.

So, thank YOU!

Inviting Angels into Your Life Lessons from the Twelve Archangels A New Light on Angels Angels of Atlantis Oracle Cards
The Power of Your Angels The Angels and Gemstone Guardians Cards Chibi Anime Angel Cards Angels of Light Cards