Become a Law of Attraction Master

Become a Law of Attraction Master
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Become a Law of Attraction Master

Seven Simple Words That Will Transform You into
a Law of Attraction Master

by Royce Christyn, author of Scripting the Life You Want

“If man asks for success and prepares for failure, he will get the situation he prepares for.”
– Florence Scovel Shinn, The Game of Life & How to Play It

The next sentence you are about to read will transform your life forever and make you a master at using the Law of Attraction to create your own reality and manifest your dreams. If you want to create your own reality and manifest using the Law of Attraction, the first thing you need to do is manifest being a master manifestor.  

I know, I know.... the above sounds like some failed attempt at sounding like Dr. Seuss, but it is actually a key to the Law of Attraction that will bring the biggest swell of relief and joy to you. Why? Because knowing this tiny little trick makes you incredible at manifesting!

I am really, really, really good at manifesting… and not just one time, but all the time. I have had lead guest-starring acting roles on Emmy-winning television sitcoms and appeared as an actor on networks like The Disney Channel and CBS. I’ve played a superhero in a TV pilot for a major superhero franchise brought over from Japan. I’ve acted in movies, proposed to my soulmate on a 3-week vacation to Tahiti, directed a best-selling documentary, manifested my book deal, and a ton of other things that would take up way too much room to write here but would all blow your mind. And I intend to help you turbo-charge your manifesting and finally have that breakthrough you have been asking for when it comes to creating your reality.

How do I know you’ve been asking for this? Because most people who study and pour their hearts and souls into mastering the Law of Attraction don’t like to talk about or mention the dirty little secret of manifesting: most of the time for most people, it isn’t working for them. If it is, it is likely in only one or two areas instead of in all parts of their lives. Or, like a dear friend of mine experienced before I started coaching her, she would have manifestations followed by some really strange and not-positive situations. She also had what I call “static manifesting” – where the thing she wanted would manifest, sort of, but it would feel more like she had an old television with static popping through the movie… her manifestation was there, but it felt like it could disappear or fade in and out at any moment until it would disappear.

Manifestation and creating your own reality is not a secret because you are doing it all the time. Do you know what else you do all of the time? Eat food. You can have good or bad eating habits, which in turn influence every other area of your life. Maybe you’ve put on 20 extra pounds, then go on a crash diet and lost 30 pounds, only to gain 25 back. For my friends who can relate to the diet analogy, you likely finally found success like I did: The moment you realize no diet in the world can cause lasting change, but a dietary change of habits, aka a lifestyle change, is the only way you can finally shed those pounds once and for all.

Utilizing the Law of Attraction and manifesting principles is no different. You can have success with programs or courses or new fad “diets,” but it isn’t until you make simple, easy, permanent shifts in your total lifestyle that manifesting really becomes second nature.

That is what I realized when I was young, and I’m very lucky. Sure, I have screwed up from time to time because I’m human. But overall I’m excellent at manifesting my desires. That’s why it has always boggled my mind that I have never seen the most “duh” obvious piece of manifesting talked about anywhere, which is worth repeating:

In order to be a master at manifesting and creating your own reality, you must intend and make the following statement a permanent resident on your first, daily, and “always”  list of desires:

I intend to be a master manifestor.

Boom. Seven simple words.

The very first thing, and the thing you should always be manifesting, is to be the best manifestor in the world. You must always, without fail, be thinking of ways to include the following manifestation into your awesome manifesting work:

I intend to be a master manifestor.

Or any of the following together (or separate) on your list work too:

I intend to be a master of the Law of Attraction.

I intend to easily and effortlessly attract all of the best information and tools and teachers that I need to be the best manifestor on Earth.

I intend to discover and easily understand and utilize the key to manifesting all of my desires and dream life.

It sounds so simple, and many of you reading this probably are having a moment like I did when this notion of “manifesting to be a perfect manifestor” first came to me. It’s so simple, so seemingly obvious, that I felt both a sense of being a moron for not thinking of it before and like I had just discovered the key to actually manifesting my desires... finally. And I was right. The trick to the Law of Attraction is to manifest being the best at manifesting.

It is such an obvious thing when you finally “get it,” but it is actually very outside of the box. When it comes to most teachings of the Law of Attraction, for whatever reason, not many teachers speak of this very crucial foundation we all must have when we go into “reality creating mode.” All of the amazing and wonderful tools and techniques I have developed over the last 15+ years started with the understanding that I must manifest being the best at manifestation.

Here’s another manifesting tip: Work with your Reticular Activating System. I teach my students and clients about this part of our brain almost immediately when we begin working together. I am a giant science nerd, but, even if you aren’t into science, I promise learning a tiny bit about this amazing part of your brain that holds the key to a major part of manifestation will change your life forever for the better.

The Reticular Activating System (RAS) is something my students and I call the “ExtraCOM” system, because it allows you and your mind to have “extra communication” with one another. It is your brain’s filter, and I go into it in depth in my book, but, in a nutshell, it explains a phenomenon that for years was called the Bader-Meinhoff phenomenon. This is what happens when you see 11:11 or maybe a popular word or name, like Queen Elizabeth, show up repeatedly. Suddenly, you might feel like no matter what you look at or where you are, 11:11 or even 111, seems to be everywhere. You’re not going crazy, you are seeing 11:11 everywhere, and the key to this lies in your ExtraCOM system!

You see, this incredible part of your brain acts as the filter to your mind. It helps regulate a lot of things, and its core goal is to help you survive by filtering what you perceive in your environment. If your brain were to let all of that in at once, besides not being able to focus on any one thing, you would start to feel so overwhelmed you would likely begin to shut down from not having your amazing ExtraCOM system filtering for you.

So, what does this filter… filter? Well, from an evolutionary standpoint, there are two things that our Reticular Activating System filters in or out:

  1. What will help us survive

And, what I and other teachers of this type of manifesting believe is equally important (and exciting when it comes to manifesting):

  1. What you tell it to focus on.

This is a major discovery for any student of manifestation. So, what is happening when you see 11:11, take a mental note of it, then start to see it everywhere? Well, there is some fascinating science relating to the true nature of our universe, the science of perception, and more, but to keep this article under a million pages, the scientifically accepted answer is this: 11:11 isn’t suddenly materializing in your world everywhere you look. All of these “new” “sudden” sightings have always been there, you just hadn’t programmed your mind to focus on them before you began seeing them! Written another way: you just hadn’t instructed your brain to start filtering in every instance of 11:11 that showed up in your environment. See? You get it. This stuff is easy… and fun!

So how can you consciously program your ExtraCOM system to help with manifesting? With your Daily Want List, where you write down anywhere between 3 and 7 desires every morning. Here’s a quick summary of this amazing tool.

You will label the top of the page (or ipad or smartphone note) “Want List” and then you will do my special version of writing down your desires: you DON’T write the word “want,” as that brings a sense of disempowerment. Instead, for every item on your want list, you will write “I intend” instead of “I want”! Saying “I intend” puts you back in the power, into the driver’s seat, and is an actionable word with positive feelings attached to it – and it feels really good to write down!

So, for example, every day, you will keep it simple and write down a few things you want. (This is step 1 of my 3-part morning routine which takes a total of 5 minutes. You might miss some days, or not feel like it, and that is fine – again, keeping it easy!)

Instead of writing:

“I want to meet my soul mate and marry him.”

You would write:

I intend to find my soulmate and marry him.”

Another example:

“I want to be a millionaire.”


I intend to easily become a millionaire.

And don’t forget to include “I intend to be a master manifestor” on your Daily Want List!

Once you learn that you can consciously program your Reticular Activating System/ExtraCOM, then you are on your way to bigger and better manifestations. It is literally the difference between walking from Dallas to Houston in pitch black or with headlights and streetlights guiding and lighting your way. What my tools, mainly the Daily Want List, do is help you program your brain to look for instances, opportunities, people, places, and things in your regular environment to help you manifest your desire. When you start to realize how incredible your brain is, and just how much information it is constantly taking in that it hides away due to your filter, you will be amazed!

Some other things to think about putting on your Daily Want List would be:

I intend to receive perfect clarity.

I intend to have an awesome day.

I intend to receive focus.

I intend to feel good.

I intend to understand.

For those of you who think you don’t know what you want, the following are for you (and even I use these when I’m having a week or period where a lot of manifestations have manifested and I’m working on new things for my Daily list):

I intend to know what I want.

I intend to know what I need.

You really, really, really, really, really have got this. Thinking outside the box when it comes to manifesting is something that becomes your secret “magic” and keeps you in a constant state of manifesting your dream reality. It is okay, and even encouraged, to be “general” and ask for “simple” things like focus, clarity, and to know what it is that you even want in the first place!

Remember, manifesting means everything – big and small. It is a lifestyle… a constant ebb and flow. I was so stuck writing this article that I wrote about 10 versions, all the while knowing I was stressed and not focused correctly. But just because I felt stuck and unfocused doesn’t mean I wasn’t still on my path. I ended up manifesting something I have been wanting to write since my book came out just a few months ago: a bonus chapter!

Whether you are a longtime student of creating your own reality and the Law of Attraction or are one of the awesome, brand-new people just beginning your journey into how the world really works, it is my intention that you all benefit greatly from this article-turned-instruction-booklet/bonus chapter to Scripting the Life You Want. Enjoy… and always remember to have fun while scripting the life you want!

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