Clear Your Energy Field, Stay Grounded

Clear Your Energy Field, Stay Grounded
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Clear Your Energy Field, Stay Grounded

Clear Your Energy Field, Stay Grounded

by Rev. Stephanie Red Feather, Ph.D., author of The Evolutionary Empath

Have you noticed an increase in your level of agitation, anxiety, or distress? Are you more volatile, all over the map, emotional, or depressed? Are you carrying around emotions and fears that you know are not yours or that are expressing themselves at an amplified, more-than-just-you level?

As empaths or highly sensitive persons, we are already predisposed to absorbing the emotions, problems and feelings of others. More than just empathy for what is going on around us, we take on the energies of others as though they were our own, consequently causing great overwhelm and wreaking havoc on our well-being, clarity, balance, and ability to stay grounded in our own center. Particularly when we are unaware of our special sensitive make-up, we may not realize that the waves of overstimulation and intense build-up of emotions we are experiencing aren’t even ours.

It is crucial during this global pandemic and time of upheaval that everyone – and especially empaths – engages in daily energetic hygiene to manage and clear their emotional body and personal energy field. Fear, confusion, grief, and chaos are sharply heightened in the world right now. My book, The Evolutionary Empath, goes into great detail on energy hygiene practices, offering clear explanations of esoteric concepts, providing lists of practical exercises, and including eight meaty guided meditations to aid in the development or augmentation of your energy practice. "Daily Practices For Managing Your Energy Field" on page 141 is a great place to start.

Here are some simple practices you can perform daily:

  • - Three deep cleansing breaths, visualizing harmful energies leaving down through your body to be transmuted by Mother Earth
  • - Smudging your energy field with sage, sweet grass, or Palo Santo
  • - Epsom Salt baths
  • - Wearing, holding, or setting up a grid with crystals and stones
  • - Using high frequency essential oils to diffuse, wear, or put in your bath
  • - Journaling to give voice to what might be building up in your energy field

If you are looking for a deeper dive in clearing out the backlog of emotional build-up, watch the 14-minute video I created on clearing your nervous system and emotions ( I also created a three-part video series entitled "Navigating Global Shamanic Death" if you’d like a shamanic perspective on world events (Part 1:, Part 2:, Part 3:

Whether you’ve known you were an empath for decades, or are just learning about this aspect of yourself, tending daily to your energy field will help you stay more steady, calm, focused, and centered as the world moves through this major transition.

The Evolutionary Empath Planetary Healing Crystal Healing for the Heart Alchemical Healing by Nicki Scully Unlocking the 7 Secret Powers of the Heart


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