Crystals and Resilience

Crystals and Resilience
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Crystals and Resilience

by Sharon L. McAllister, author of Awakening Your Crystals

Crystals have the capacity to give us, amongst many other things, what we require in these times of tumultuous challenge—strength, alignment, and protection, together with the greatest gift any of us could be blessed to receive: deep inner peace.

The definition of resilience is to spring back into shape after bending, stretching, or being compressed; to be able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions. Crystals are a wonderful choice for developing the resilience required to meet the challenges before us. Crystals change, charge, and enhance the human energy field. They can positively revitalize the energy that surrounds us, whether it is our homes, our communities, or the wider world, anywhere we seek to bring into greater positivity, balance, and harmony.

A crystal is a physical manifestation of Light energy. In applying a crystal to your body, say in a crystal healing treatment, or by wearing a crystal over your heart chakra, or carrying one in your pocket or a pouch, or by placing a crystal in your home, etc., you are magnifying the beauty of Light energy (a high positive energy) in and around your body. This Light energy seeks to balance, harmonize, and make positive your energy bodies: the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.

So, what are the best practical ways to engage with crystals at this time of challenge and which crystals in particular will help us the most right now?

During this challenging time, I have been working a great deal with a triumvirate of particular crystal energy that promotes the healing qualities of greater peace, energetic transmutation, and protection as well as a focus on a greater strengthening of the immune system. These three crystals have their own set of healing qualities, yet have the capacity to achieve additional alchemical properties when working in conjunction with each other. Like a choir coming together to make the most beautiful uplifting musical harmony, these crystals energetically complement each other to enhance a particular quality we require at this time: resilience. More specifically, energetic resilience. These three glorious crystals are Rose Quartz (greater peace), Amethyst (transmutation and energetic protection), and Labradorite (strengthener of the immune system). 

During the pandemic I have been wearing Amethyst and Labradorite pendants, alternately every other day, over my heart chakra. I carry Rose Quartz in my pocket, always, and have Rose Quartz and Amethyst in portals at my doors and in my home and my garden programmed to heal and bring peace (Rose Quartz) as well as transmute negativity, strengthen, and protect (Amethyst).

As I describe in my book, Awakening Your Crystals, Rose Quartz is one of the greatest holistic healing gifts this planet has seen. The positive healing energy emitted from a programmed Rose Quartz can bring a high charge of peace and stillness, a feeling of calm to emotional upset, an effusion of the energy of heart-centered love together with a kind of energetic balm that helps to ease pain—be it physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. (See my book for more on programming crystals.) Rose Quartz, programmed accordingly, helps to overcome situations of fear and can aid the quality of sleep, effecting more peaceful, restful sleep. As I mentioned above, you can also create a portal of energy to spread peace to all who come within and around your home. Even if that is only you right now, imagine how much better you would feel having this wash of Rose Quartz positive energy release your accumulated negative energy and veil you in turn with the beauty of peace, Light, and harmony, helping your home to become a greater sanctuary of energy replenishment for you to enjoy. I have a Rose Quartz portal at my door and can vouch for the everyday enhancing benefits of such an energetic release and replenishment, to be veiled in the Light of peace as I move in and out of my home.

Many family members, friends, and clients have bemoaned the lack of sleep in these trying times.  From those suffering the pressures of constant stress, low-level angst, or a mist of worry hanging over them to those sadly unfortunate enough to be enduring heartbreaking, life-changing tragedy in their lives, sleep has eluded so many of us right now. It is impossible to be resilient on no sleep. A lack of sleep is, quite literally, a form of torture. Rose Quartz programmed and popped under your pillow at night promotes a greater quality of restful sleep.

If you are having trouble sleeping, I also recommend using Rose Quartz as a meditational tool. Lay it on the heart chakra or rest or sit with a piece of Rose Quartz in your right palm. Feel yourself breathe in the peace emitted from the crystal. It is wonderful for bringing peace to fraught moments. Truly, there is no situation you could be in that is not improved by the quality of the energy of peace.

Amethyst crystal emanates purifying, transmutational qualities perfect for these trying times. Whether we use the crystal to cleanse our four energetic bodies or to improve the energy of others or the environment around us, Amethyst can help better our health and well-being in so many ways.  For example, Amethyst worn over the heart helps to release and transmute negative emotional holding and to re-align and strengthen the chakra system. It helps the heart chakra to be more open and flowing, the mental energy to feel less burdened, the energy field as a whole to function more flowingly.  Wearing Amethyst or carrying this crystal in a pocket or pouch strengthens the human energy field and absorbs negative energy that is accumulated as we move about our everyday lives. 

The role of Labradorite in the energetic crystal triumvirate is to bring qualities to strengthen the immune system. It works hard to support the alignment of our four lower energy bodies. By wearing Amethyst and Labradorite alternately over the heart chakra, I am maintaining my energetic transmutation and protection, then topping up the support and strength of my immune system. All highly useful for continued resilience at this time.

Throughout the pandemic, I have also been setting out crystal matrix configurations for Earth healing. For example, I was saddened to read that the deforestation of the Amazon rain forest has soared in these Covid times, up 64% from last year. This destruction is tragic as the rain forests are the lungs of the Earth. There are macrocosm/microcosm parallels with the current pandemic as the virus particularly attacks the lungs of sufferers. A crystal matrix configuration can be used to send healing energy to any place on the Earth, especially those suffering desecration and in need of a return to higher expressions of harmony, peace, and flow of positive energy.

To create an Earth healing crystal matrix, take a crystal orb and surround it with 33 Rose Quartz, set at 4” beyond the orb. At 12” beyond the orb set a ring of 12 Amethyst. This matrix configuration can be set within the home, if you have space where it will not be disturbed, or alternatively, place it in the garden, again where the configuration will not be disturbed. Such configurations send Light where it is desperately required and it is wonderful to feel empowered to contribute in positive action toward energetic change. I encourage you to join in and set out such a configuration if you possibly can.  

For the people I know that have suffered the effects of Covid-19 personally, Selenite crystal (the cellular regenerator) can help support and enhance their recovery. I recommend placing 2 pieces of programmed Selenite (flat bars) on either side of the chest. Where Selenite has not been available, flat discs of Rose Quartz, such as flat massage stones, programmed accordingly, can be used to promote peace and healing energy. They are also of great comfort to hold and useful to promote restful sleep. 

The cherry on the top of resilience is, of course, hope.  It is very important not to feel helpless at this time, rather to feel hopeful. In doing so we keep alive our flame of positivity—and we require as much positivity as we can muster to effect real positive change on our planet right now. My crystal recommendation for enhancing the quality of hopefulness is Citrine. Citrine presents a wonderful addition of hope-generating energy to my chosen three resilience-promoting crystals: Rose Quartz, Amethyst, and Labradorite. Citrine is the bringer of joy and vitality, the very crystal to promote an enthusiasm for life as well as being a wonderful energetic cleanser and purifier. This crystal will help lift your mood and increase your zest for living. Program a Citrine accordingly and place it centrally in your home to revive a joyous, energized feeling of hope.

Working with these 4 crystals of resilience and hope may be just what is needed to help us all get through these tough times and begin to see the Light to come on the other side of the pandemic.

Awakening Your Crystals Healing Crystals Crystals Basics Crystal Protection from 5G and EMF Pollution Crystals Healing for the Heart