Dragon Wisdom for 2021

Dragon Wisdom for 2021
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Dragon Wisdom for 2021

by Christine Arana Fader, creator of Dragon Wisdom cards and The Little Book of Dragons

Saturn plays an important role in the year 2021.

It brings about the dissolution of karma, the transition to higher consciousness, the power of manifestation, and shines a magical light on all our intentions as long as they correspond to our spiritual path.

And by the same token, Saturn’s power will also dispel whatever magical forces are hindering our spiritual development.

The year 2021 is one that offers us the opportunity to awaken, explore, and live our creative power.

This means that magic will return to us.

There is no being in which magic vibrates more eloquently than in the dragon, so I will call upon the dragons for you using my Dragon Wisdom oracle deck.

I will send four questions out into the great arena of the dragons and I am already very curious to see who will answer.

To begin, it is always important to hold the deck of cards in front of the heart. I tap it three times to cleanse it and then infuse it with the light of my heart. I open my mind and send my four questions out into the universe and speak them aloud. I shuffle the cards and draw four cards from the set, one after the other.

Here are the results.

First question: What can I do in the New Year to better recognize my path of personal development, my spiritual path.

Decision, Tree Dragon

Card: Decision

The answer is brought by a very old and wise, brown Tree Dragon. He is a rather quiet dragon. Here is his message:

There is no way we can avoid making decisions. If you wish to develop as a person you have to make choices. Say yes to change and transformation. A dark, paralyzing power can sometimes result from the failure to make a decision. This negative force that you yourself create robs you of your freedom, and if you are not free you will find it difficult to develop personally and spiritually. Open your heart, be ready for a new world. You carry special abilities within you. Don't you want to discover them? Don't you want to truly live them? Your Soul Star, your eighth chakra, holds all your knowledge and thus also all the many skills and abilities you have amassed since your first incarnation. It encompasses a myriad of talents like a sparkling sea of light. Nothing is ever lost, neither a thought, nor a feeling, nor once-lived potential. Get in touch with your eighth chakra, let your Soul Star awaken, and allow the knowledge you have acquired over the years to flow to you now. Make any decisions that you have postponed until now as soon as possible. Let go of what does not belong to you.  

Second question: What should I look for in 2021 to find a partnership worthy of me and a new free world.

Thoughts, White Light Dragon

Card: Thoughts

The answer is delivered by a white Light Dragon, a delicate feminine energy touches my mind first. This dragon is small, almost translucent, and extremely elegant. Here is the answer:

Greetings and blessings. Everything you are and everything you have originates in your thoughts. Thoughts and words have a magnetic power, but this is no secret in your world. Think of a wonderful partnership and picture yourself as part of such a partnership. But recognize that you are also very capable of creating the antithesis of this, a kind of anti-energy, by not believing in it. Start to believe and begin to trust and your whole life will be blessed with magical bliss. Let go of the negative thoughts that go around and around in your head, start meditating and visualizing a happy partnership every day. From now on your mind, thoughts, and words should be full of love and truth. Some people find their minds trapped in a vicious circle of negative, recurring thoughts. Introduce fire and light into your soul and the next step is inevitable. Meditate with thoughts of fire, the fire of your dragon, as this is the fire that slumbers within you, destroying everything that stands between you and happiness. Crush all negative thoughts now. You are the master of your life, you are the master who creates your tomorrow. Be happy and free.

Third question: What impulses does the spiritual world have in store for me in the New Year to expand my consciousness even more and open it to the fifth dimension?

Peace, Blue Dragon

Card: Peace

The Blue Dragon steps forward to answer the third question, bringing with him a cool energy. He is especially beautiful and immense in size, as large as a jumbo jet, with gigantic wings.

The answer to your question can be found in silence and in meditation. You must achieve inner peace in order to ascend to the next dimension, but achieving control over your thoughts is also of prime importance. Peace begins with your thoughts. Don't be discouraged at the outset and think that it is too difficult. Recognize that you are where you are and you are faced with various trials because the possibility of victory lies within you. Facing difficulties or challenges should make you happy, able to feel your inner strength once more and to rise above yourself. Become the victor, the winner, in your life. The cold and the darkness are reaching out to your world. Never before has your fate been on such a knife edge. If you are not ready to fight your inner war and battle to victory for love, the light will fail and fade. The energy that awaits you in 2021 will support you and send you creative power and all Mother Earth’s planetary brothers and sisters will be on your side. So do not wait any longer. Be divine love in action on Earth, always and in every moment.

Fourth question: What will be the gift in 2021?

Oisin, King of All Dragons

Card: Oisin

Oisin, king of the dragons, is brown and colossal in size, dwarfing all other dragons. Beside the white dragon queen Alba, Oisin is the oldest dragon. The king and queen are the highest ranking masterfields, which nourish all dragons.

It is a great honor to have Oisin answer our last question for the year 2021.

He is like a guardian in this universe and watches over everything. His vibration is gentle, but he still demands respect.

I am Oisin, I am the king of all dragons. In me lies the power and the mystery of the beginning because I was there and saw and heard everything, from the first sound and the first stars to the first living beings. I am a being without time and know the future as well as the past. You ask what will be the gift in the year 2021. It is the possibility of completion. Whoever has transformed their life’s struggle into dance will achieve completion in whatever sphere they desire. The gift of 2021 possesses such high energy and carries such enormous radiant power that it will shake up everything, all inflexibility and negativity will have to yield before this power and will be transformed into love. Now think about yourself and what you need to accomplish, be clear about your goal and keep it absolutely in the center of your attention, every day, all year round. Energy follows attention, it will do so for you and the miracle will come true.

The moment I thank Oisin with a deep bow, my mind is touched by such a great energy of love and tears instantly come to my eyes. I am flooded with a white light. A dimensional gate opens and I hear the voice of the queen. I did not draw this card, but my dragon, Black, is queen of the first warriors in the light. Alba, the queen, is always watching and now she has a message for you. Tears are running down my cheeks and I find it hard to write.

Alba, Queen of All Dragons

I am Alba, I am the purest light, I am love. I bring healing in the spirit and healing in the heart. You will need me more than ever in the new year. Call my name aloud when darkness tries to seduce you, when it tries to lead you away from the path of your heart. Visualize my magic symbol and let it vibrate in your heart—that is my gift to you. May you shine in your unique light in the New Year and see who you really are.

Alba, Heart Symbol

Alba wears her symbol on her chest. It is a heart within a heart, both golden, and in the very center lies the Star of David. This symbol is known as the vibrating heart. It symbolizes beginning, a fresh start, but also purity and love.

Like all ancient symbols, it is alive. It shimmers, radiates, and possesses tremendous power. Use this gift for yourself by letting it vibrate in your heart.

All colors are your colors, all songs are your songs, you are the creator of your universe.

May your 2021 be a year of perfection, peace, and freedom.


Dragon Wisdom The Little Book of Dragon The Unicorn Cards The Crystal Oversoul Cards The Heart Path Oracle Cards
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