Healing Tools for the Pandemic

Healing Tools for the Pandemic
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Healing Tools for the Pandemic

Healing Tools and Practices for the Pandemic

by Nicholas Pearson, Reiki shihan (instructor), crystal teacher, and author of several books including Foundations of Reiki Ryōhō and Crystal Basics

Breath of Light

One of my favorite practices for spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being is a simple meditation derived from traditional Reiki. In Japanese, this meditation is sometimes called jōshin kokyū hō, which means “method of purification with the breath.” Other schools of Reiki call it hikari no kokyū hō, an expression that literally means a technique of “breathing light.” Although it is traditionally taught as a means of increasing practitioners’ ability to heal, this deceptively simple meditation has profound effects for all people, whether or not you are initiated into the system of Reiki.

With regular practice, the breath of light helps to clear the body, mind, and spirit of the baggage and blockages that hide the light of the soul. In the meditation, the in-breath and out-breath are visualized as carrying light and consciousness. As we draw the breath inward, we direct the light of the Universe (i.e., Reiki energy) down to the lower tanden or hara, an energy center that lies an inch or two below the navel. In Japanese culture and spirituality, this focal point is the seat of vital energy, a sort of personal battery. When we fill it with light or Reiki, we are not only recharging and repairing the battery, but we also expand it to hold an even bigger charge of energy. As we exhale, the breath travels outward from the tanden and clears every cell of the body, as well as every part of the subtle anatomy such as the aura and chakras as the light of our consciousness radiates out into infinity. In spite of the simplicity of the imagery, the meditation is profound, and regular practice will reveal new layers of meaning.

To practice the breath of light meditation, take a seat either in a chair or on the floor--whichever is most comfortable for you. Rest your hands in your lap, palms up and gently close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and allow the tension in your mind and body to dissipate on each outbreath. Now visualize a great, bright light above you; with every breath you take, you draw in not only air, but you also allow this light to flow through you. Draw the light and the breath down into the lower tanden. Imagine that with the inbreath this cosmic light and the light of your consciousness are condensed to a singular point in the hara. As you exhale, allow this light to expand. It permeates every part of your body and expands beyond it, expelling any blockages or stagnant energy along the way. With each inhalation you contract your consciousness and recharge with the light of the universe, and each outbreath allows the light of your consciousness to expand into infinity. When you’re finished with your meditation, simply take a few normal breaths and open your eyes.

Although this meditation seems like nothing more than a simple visualization, the breath of light can have tremendous effects on your well-being. First and foremost, this exercise clears away stagnant energies from the body, mind, and spirit, thereby allowing your own light to shine brightly. It also allows you to be a clear channel for healing. Studies have shown that traditional forms of meditation taught in Reiki also increase the coherence of the brain, heart, and breath. The breath of light also helps to sweep away troublesome thoughts, emotions, or energies that cloud perception and weigh you down. As you practice this technique regularly, it augments the light and light-force that your body, mind, and spirit hold, thereby helping you bring more peace and healing into your life and the lives of those around you.

Energy Protection with Labradorite

Life in the twenty-first century can be challenging and it is easy to become deplated, even without the extraordinary circumstances that face us today. One of my favorite ways to restore vitality and protect my personal energy field is by creating a shield around the aura with labradorite.

Labradorite is a popular gemstone in the feldspar group. It is characterized by a beguiling sheen or schiller called labradorescence, which results from the interference of light travelling through its microscopic layers. This shiller produces enchanting flashes of colors, such as gold, green, and blue, against a dark, translucent background.

Just as light is broken up and made more brilliant when it passes through the stone, a shield of labradorite makes the aura more brilliant, too. This gemstone is often praised for its ability to confer protection, seal the aura against leaks or tears, and bring a sense of wonder to fuel your manifestation work. Projecting a psychic shield of this gem is perfect for ensuring a strong and healthy aura that is resistant to psychic attack or other harmful energies in your environment. In these days of widespread stress and fear, labradorite is adept at transforming worries and apprehensions into light, helping you maintain a sense of safety and security while you adapt to new ways of life.

To create a psychic shield with labradorite, start by cleansing your labradorite (you can find detailed instructions for cleansing stones in Crystal Basics). Hold the stone in one or both hands for a moment and focus your intention on the goal at hand: creating a shield of light to protect and rejuvenate your energy field. Invite the stone to participate in this venture with you. After taking several deep breaths, place the labradorite on your solar plexus. Imagine that you are breathing in and out through the stone. Every incoming breath recharges and refreshes your energy field, and every outgoing breath expands the energy of the labradorite until it reaches the outer limits of your aura. As you continue to breathe, envision the outermost part of your aura wrapped in a layer of crystalline light that resembles the flashiest, most beautiful labradorite you’ve ever seen. Allow the energy of the stone to envelop you lovingly, offering protection, resilience, and strength. If you like, you may carry or wear your labradorite with you throughout the day to gently boost the strength of the shield.

Co-creating this psychic shield with labradorite will help to heal leaks, tears, and holes in the aura, as well as preventing unwanted intrusions and attachments from people and situations that might otherwise affect you. I often describe the effect of the labradorite shield as rather like a layer of teflon for the aura, as harmful energies and psychic intrusions merely fall away from your shield of labradorite light. Meanwhile, it filters all the energy that passes through your aura--every thought and feeling--thereby supporting your brilliance by purifying what you send out and receive. This shield offers a refreshing, empowering energy that uplifts your mood and gives you a sense of hope and sovereignty that can cut through even the darkest of days.

Unlike some forms of spiritual protection, the labradorite shield is not an impenetrable wall; instead, it is a selectively permeable membrane of light that allows your innate brilliance to shine through. By boosting your own light, labradorite helps enforce healthy spiritual and emotional boundaries without making you feel cut off from the world around you. Remember to practice your shielding technique often, and it will boost your light even in the most troubling times.

 Foundations of Reiki Ryoho  Crystal Basics  Stones of the Goddess  Crystals for Karmic Healing  Crystals for Healing the Heart  The Seven Archetypal Stones
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