Healing with the Female Archangels

Healing with the Female Archangels
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Healing with the Female Archangels

Healing with the Female Archangels

by Calista, author of The Female Archangels Oracle and The Female Archangels

Although depictions of angels have portrayed them predominantly in a masculine form, within each angel there exists a feminine aspect. This has nothing to do with biological sex (given that angels are non-physical beings), but all to do with the energetic vibration of an angel, which can emanate – and be sensed through our awareness – as male or female. Much like how a coin has two sides but is still one coin, an angel has two sides, too.

The feminine quality of an angel represents the seed of Creation, while the masculine is the flower that develops from this virtue, shaped through will and action. The Archeiai [are-key-eye], the female Archangels, are sometimes referred to as the “twin flame/divine counterpart” of the Archangels. Both are not separate beings, but complementary reflections of the other. Since 11/11/11, the Archeiai have been focusing their Light on Earth to help humanity open their Awareness and come into conscious union with Source. The Archeiai, who reflect humanity’s inner potential and worth, are masters at helping us to empower our feminine energy no matter the gender, culture, or creed we assign to.

In The Female Archangels Oracle, the first oracle deck to explore who the female Archangels are (alongside their masculine counterparts), you’ll meet, merge, and embody the angels and together, create your version of Heaven on Earth. This deck explores why the Archeiai are now coming to humanity’s aid, their role in helping raise Divine Feminine consciousness, and how to partner them to live an extraordinary life.

You can use this high-vibrational deck to receive meaningful divination messages and angelic healing, discover your celestial origin, learn how to partner with the Source Rays, attune to angels directly, and benefit from a rich buffet of unique resolve-to-rise techniques.

The deck can be used to attune to angels directly as well as in traditional card layouts to receive meaningful divination messages and in newly divined card layouts for healing, boosting the chakras, spreading your spiritual wings, and for angelic relaxation.

Card Layout for Angelic Relaxation

Use this layout for relaxation, grounding, or before bed for a blissful night’s sleep.

In a comfortable place where you can lie down, focus on your breathing, feel the energies of Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine Love connecting you through your chakras down to Mother Earth and up into the heart of the Sun. Affirm with conviction: I am pure loving Awareness as the reflection of Source. Then connect with your guardian angel or the Archeiai and Archangels and trust that they are with you.

If you have The Female Archangel Oracle, you can physically use the four cards mentioned for this healing practice by placing them horizontally on each chakra noted. If you do not have the deck, you can focus on each card image below and imagine its energies connecting with the corresponding chakra.

Third Eye Chakra ~ Archangel Raphael (card 4)

Archangel Raphael

Heart Chakra ~ Archeia Mercy (card 29)

Archeia Mercy

Solar Plexus Chakra ~ Archeia Grace (card 7)

Archeia Grace

Base Chakra ~ Archeia Serenity (card 31)

Archeia Serenity

After placing or connecting with the cards, activate the healing by saying aloud with conviction:

“I am now cocooned in pure angelic Love. Thank you, guardian angel(s) for holding the space and helping me to relax. And so it is.”

Relax your hands by your sides or rest them on your heart as the purest LoveLight moves through you. Enjoy this restorative session for at least 20 minutes, giving thanks to the angels afterwards and journaling your experience for reflection later.

The Female Archangels Oracle Angels of Light Cards Soul Helper Oracle Archangel Alchemy Healing Archangel Fire Oracle