My Moldavite Transformation

My Moldavite Transformation
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My Moldavite Transformation

My Moldavite Transformation

by Robert Simmons, author of The Book of Moldavite, The Book of Stones, and several other books

One morning in 1987, I sat down in the living room with my piece of Moldavite, having turned on meditation music. I did this every morning, and I’ll admit that I was rather bored with the routine, even though I always felt calm and refreshed afterwards. On this day, I thought, “I’m tired of waiting for an out-of-body experience or some other cool thing to happen, so I’m just going to imagine one.” I wrapped my fingers around my Moldavite and closed my eyes, letting myself listen to the music, while at the same time imagining that I was rising out of the top of my own head, looking down at my body.

As I continued to visualize, I could see a mental image of myself as if I were looking down from the ceiling. Then I decided to try to go higher, so I envisioned floating upwards through the ceiling and the roof, looking down on the house and surrounding neighborhood. I kept going in my imagined flight, rising higher and higher, seeing the town and the seacoast landscape, and my house as a tiny dot below me. I began to feel exhilarated as I rose higher and faster. The flight seemed to take on a life of its own. Soon I could see the curvature of the Earth, and then the whole globe, as I flew off into space.

I felt no fear, and no disconnection from my body. I remained, on some level, aware of the music and my own breathing. Yet I became completely captivated by the visionary experience that was unfolding. Soon I had left the Earth behind and was far out among the stars. It seemed that I could move in whatever direction I chose simply by willing it.

At one point, I saw a golden star far away, and I knew that I wanted to go to it, so I willed myself there. In a short time, the golden star had become an immense golden sun, and it emanated a light that felt holy. Then I noticed that there were thousands, or perhaps millions, of golden orbs circling the golden sun, each with a thin gold thread linking the orb to the Sun. The orbs seemed to be alive, like a procession of souls, circling in adoration around the golden Sun. I was deeply moved by this vision, and I wondered if the golden orbs might be souls. At that point, I also wondered what my own ‘body’ might look like in this place. I turned my attention downward, toward where my chest would have been, and was surprised to see another golden orb about twelve inches in diameter, encompassing the space around my heart. And there was a golden thread that linked my own orb to the great golden Sun.

I was filled with awe and wonder, and my thoughts became silent. Then I suddenly heard a deep, resonant voice—perhaps like the voice of an angel—saying clearly, “The Light you seek without is identical to the Light within.”

In the next moment, several things happened. I suddenly realized that the golden orbs were souls, and that I was one of them, and this knowledge hit me with a rush of emotion. At the same time, back in the living room, the Moldavite in my right hand sizzled with an energy that moved quickly up my arm and went straight into my heart. There was an instant sensation of something opening, like a big flower inside my chest, and the flower was made out of spiritual Light. Then the energy moved upwards and downward along my spine, causing more flowerings of Light at each of my chakras.

In just a few seconds, all seven energy centers from the base of my spine to the top of my head were filled with Light and a curving, flowing energy. And my entire being was flooded with an ecstatic joy. I opened my eyes and saw the whole room was glowing, just like the Light that moved inside me.

My wife Kathy had been upstairs getting ready to open our shop for the day when all of this occurred. Her intuition suddenly told her that something important was happening with me, so she hurried to the living room. When she opened the door, she looked at me and said, “Robert, you’re full of Light!”

I was nearly speechless, still bathed in ecstasy. All I could say was, “I know.”

Kathy sat with me for nearly an hour, as the experience of the inner Light moved through me. Eventually, the intensity began to soften, and I was able to tell her what had happened. After a while, we decided to go and open our shop, but there was one more surprise ahead of me.

When I entered Heaven and Earth, our crystal and jewelry store in Gloucester, Massachusetts, I could, for the first time, sense the energy of the stones on the shelves and tables. It filled the room. And when I picked up a stone, I could instantly feel the vibrational currents of “crystal energy” that our customers and friends had described to me. In fact, I could, on that morning, feel every single stone in the store, and could sense the similarities and differences among them. I spent almost the entire day in a state of calm, wonderful rapture, picking up stone after stone, feeling them all. And while that exquisite sensitivity has ebbed and flowed through the years, it has never left me, and I have learned how to focus and work with it.

As I write these words, it is thirty-six years later, and much has happened since my dramatic awakening. You might say that my destiny opened up on that morning in my quiet living room, and I have been walking its path ever since.

I give Moldavite the credit for stimulating and awakening my latent capacity to sense and interpret the energies and spiritual qualities of crystals, stones, and minerals. This initiation began my career in the world of stones and their energies, including writing six books about stones and developing a worldwide mail order business. More importantly, it transformed me into a spiritual seeker, guided me to a wonderful marriage, and led me into innumerable adventures with the crystals, minerals, and gemstones, and with the people who love them.

Through the years, I have learned that my Moldavite experience and its results were not as unique as I might have first imagined. I have spoken to literally thousands of people who say that the power of Moldavite catalyzed rapid and profound spiritual transformations in their lives. I have received letters from hundreds of others who voluntarily shared their Moldavite experiences with me.

So, what is going on here? What is Moldavite and what are its spiritual qualities? Where does it come from, and what is its history? Where is it found and how is it unearthed? What does science have to say about Moldavite? What myths and legends are connected to this stone of celestial origins? How can we work with Moldavite for spiritual healing and awakening? Are there tools we can make, or elixirs we can partake of that carry the currents of Moldavite? Now that Moldavite has emerged from obscurity and become world famous, what are people saying about it? And how can we connect with Moldavite to experience it for ourselves?

These are the questions that The Book of Moldavite endeavors to answer about these unique starborn stones. Moldavite is a transformational talisman that can move us forward on the path of our highest destiny. We are already on that journey.

The Book of Moldavite The Book of Stones The Pocket Book of Stones The Alchemy of Stones Stones of the New Consciousness