Remembering Our Connection

Remembering Our Connection
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Remembering Our Connection

Remembering our connection to each other and the sacred web

by Fay Johnstone, author of Plant Spirit Reiki and Plants That Speak, Souls That Sing

Connecting to the magic of nature is the theme that runs through my life, my work, and both my books: Plants That Speak, Souls That Sing: Transform Your Life with the Spirit of Plants and the more recent Plant Spirit Reiki: Energy Healing with the Elements of Nature. Nature makes me feel alive inside, inspired, and empowered. I depend on its support and guidance as a spiritual and physical ally to help me feel grounded and held with a sense of purpose and belonging.

Remembering my innate connection to nature was a process that touched my heart and changed my inner landscape, altering my life forever. My sense of joy returned, transforming my life and my view of the natural world around me. It was reassuring to feel connected to and part of something so much greater than me. I was no longer alone.

I believe that a key element of our well-being lies in us each individually and collectively re-establishing a relationship with the natural world, one that is more in balance, co-creative, and inclusive. Collectively we have moved away from the unpredictability of the natural world, which has led to deep imbalance and disharmony. Not only do we need, for the sake of our survival, to repair the physical damage that we are doing to our environment, but we also need to care for our green spaces and reconnect to our natural environment and our communities for the sake of our mental health.

The source of much of our illness is disconnection, a disconnection from our true sense of self as well as our perceived separation from others and our environment. In my 20 years of practicing, I believe that Reiki helps us to journey deeper, open to love for ourselves and others, and heal this sense of disconnect, to rediscover a sense of belonging. I have also found that plants have a similar effect, which is why I encourage clients and students to develop a conscious and intimate relationship with the natural world, working with nature as a “spiritual ally.” Aligning with plants in this way helps us to remember the truth of who we are as creatures of this Earth and to feel a sense of connection to the web of life, which provides fresh insight and new perspective on the world. It helps us feel a sense of belonging and connection, which in turn brings more self-confidence, the ability to value our gifts and share our magic with the world.

Earth Healing Visualization Exercise

This year like never before, we’ve been shown that we are all connected. We’re not just connected to each other and our communities but to the environment that surrounds us both near and far. We know that as we heal, our earth heals and vice versa. Please join me with this exercise to beam our love or Reiki healing (if you are a Reiki practitioner like myself) to each other and our wonderful planet, Earth.

This is an exercise that appears in my book Plant Spirit Reiki: Energy Healing with the Elements of Nature. If you are not attuned to Reiki, simply replace the word Reiki for love when you carry out the exercise.

  1. Sit in gassho (prayer position), take a few deep breaths to feel centered and calm. If you are a Reiki practitioner prepare yourself to send Reiki in the way that you have been taught. If you are attuned to Reiki Level 2 and above then scribe the symbols and say the mantras as you have been taught.
  2. Visualize the planet as a globe in front of you and see the flow of Reiki (love) wrapping around the planet. You may like to visualize this as a golden color, or another color that you feel represents Reiki or love.
  3. Ask Reiki to flow for the highest good.
  4. Beam the Reiki through your hands, either holding your hands up with palms outwards or cupping your hands around an invisible ball as if you were holding the Earth in your hands.
  5. Hold the visualization and repeat the healing prayer from the first method as and when you need to in order to maintain your focus.
  6. After 20 minutes finish the Reiki distance session and give your thanks to Reiki. Repeat as often as you feel is required.

Questions for Self-Reflection

Which parts of nature call to you? And how do you feel inspired to connect and take action?

Plant Spirit Reiki Plants That Speak, Souls That Sing Plant Spirit Healing Earth Spirit Dreaming Nature Spirits & Elemental Beings The Lost Art of Heart Navigation