The Cosmic Purpose of Empaths

The Cosmic Purpose of Empaths
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The Cosmic Purpose of Empaths

by Rev. Stephanie Red Feather, Ph.D., creator of Empath Activation Cards and author of The Evolutionary Empath

Did you know empaths are here for a reason?

Humanity is in a cycle of ascension. Our collective frequency is rising. Dormant cells and light codes are being activated and our consciousness is expanding. As empaths, we are on the leading edge of this wave of awakening. In fact, we have an important cosmic purpose: empaths are here to help humanity ascend to the next level of consciousness.

My sensitive friend, you are not crazy. You are not an anomaly and your life is not a mistake. Everything you have experienced has brought you to this moment… here… now. As an empath your collection of sensitivities and gifts makes you uniquely qualified for this mission of ascension! You are a way-shower, an edge-walker, a light-worker. You are a pioneer of human consciousness.

How do you know if you’re an empath?

Empaths (or however you identify: highly sensitive person, telepath, sensitive soul, sensor, etc.) are born with a range of sensitivities that the average human does not possess (or which stay dormant during the course of the “average person’s” life). From research and practical experience with my clients and students, I have identified five qualities empaths demonstrate that, taken in total, separate us from the rest of the population and are akin to personality traits we were born with:

  1. The ability to merge with and absorb the energy of other beings (people, animals, or anything with life force), which stems from a very open personal energy field. This is the quality that causes us to unconsciously take on others’ emotions and problems and to struggle with boundaries.
  2. A highly sensitive nervous system. This makes us prone to overwhelm and overstimulation, which require extra-vigilant self-care.
  3. Great sensitivity to the energies around us and an ability to perceive or access subtle information stored in the energy fields of all types of life-forms. This makes it easy for us to tune in to the “unseen” realm of spirits, including angels, apparitions, the dead, energy fields of people and things, paranormal experiences, past lives, the Akashic records, people’s emotions, and much more.
  4. The premium we place on peace and harmony in relationships, our environment, and our own energy field. Given our heightened sensitivities, we will do anything and everything to keep our relationships and environment—and therefore ourselves—as stress-free, calm, and harmonious as possible.
  5. Big, open hearts and a desire to serve others. This makes us inclined toward careers focused on service as well as over-giving and putting ourselves last on the list.

Keep in mind that each of these qualities lie on a continuum, and not every empath will exhibit exactly the same qualities in exactly the same proportions or in the same way. Some people will resonate with and experience one particular characteristic strongly, while not identifying nearly as much with another. (For a full treatment of this subject, please read my book The Evolutionary Empath.)

What makes Empath Activation Cards unique?

Oracle decks are amazing divinatory tools – tools that help us connect to the unseen realms for guidance, clarity, validation, encouragement and inspiration. Empath Activation Cards can absolutely be used the way you would any other oracle deck (see a sample spread later in this article).

But there’s something else about this deck that makes it unlike any other oracle you’ve worked with before: the Empath Activation Cards book can be read from start to finish as a self-guided initiation into the mysteries of higher consciousness.

As I created the messages and the art (I am both the author and the artist), the 44 cards began to organize themselves into four groups of 11 cards each. The cards, and the accompanying book, take the reader through four initiatory paths. They are:

Initiatory Path One: Healing, Wholing, and Practices for Embodiment

Initiatory Path Two: Light Body Expansion and Tools of Mastery over Your Perception and Experience

Initiatory Path Three: Activating Higher Consciousness, the Astral Plane, and Tools of Multi-Dimensionality

Initiatory Path Four: Cosmic Mission, Star Relatives and Your Power as Co-Creator with Divinity

To use the material as a self-guided initiation, you would read through the guidebook just like a book, going in order from one initiatory path to the next (and interacting with the images in sequence as well). In this way, the arrangement acts as a cosmic mission activation launch sequence, drawing you into higher, wider, and deeper dimensions of consciousness with each path, as well as preparing your light body for the next octave of your soul purpose on earth.

What is a cosmic purpose?

There are many degrees and expressions of mission or purpose. I do not believe that each person has one – and only one – purpose in their lifetime! There are collective missions and individual purposes. Missions get completed, new ones come online. Some get aborted or are never activated and we try again the next lifetime.

Our cosmic purpose, however, refers to our understanding of ourselves as more than just physical, material beings and, thus, recognizing we have a bigger role to play on a much grander scale than we had previously imagined. At this point in human evolution we are waking up to the knowledge that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Where we once questioned the esoteric, our hearts are remembering that we are actually beings of light and that we are part of a galactic – not just global – community.

As way-showers – the first wave of humans actively choosing to wake up to and remember our divine birthright – we are enacting our cosmic mission. We are at once both cause and effect. Certain celestial movements, timings, and cycles are exposing earth and all of her inhabitants to more potent (beneficial) electromagnetic energies along with other energetic sources that are bathing us in “wake-up juice.” Dormant codes are being activated. “Junk” DNA strands are being turned on. Our personal vibratory rate is rising in frequency. All of these activities of light are initiating us into our light bodies. They serve to expand our consciousness and reveal to us our multi-dimensional, divine nature.

Yet simultaneously, we are also cause in the matter. As we consciously choose to engage in high-vibrational activities, do our inner work, perform our spiritual practices, tend to our energy bodies, release our karmic debt, heal our human wounds, and become interdimensional explorers…we are contributing to the collective frequency of humanity. Our attention to our own personal vibration, state of consciousness, and awareness help entrain the vibration of the collective to a higher rate.

Empath Gift Activation Oracle: A sample reading

One of the suggested spreads in the accompanying booklet to this deck is the empath gift activation oracle.

If you are doubting your empathic gifts or unclear what they are, if you’re desiring to clear any blocks to healthy expression of a particular gift, and if you’re wanting guidance on what to focus on to help you come into alliance with this gift, then this is the spread to use.

This is a three-card spread in which you lay your cards out in a straight line from left to right. Below are the three cards that presented themselves to be a part of this sample reading.

Doingness-Beingness Light-Body-Expansion Divine-Blueprint

Instead of sharing excerpts from the messages themselves, I’ve chosen to summarize the message given what I know of each card. Here is how I would briefly interpret what is going on for the person in this three-card reading.

Card #1 indicates your current block to embracing the empathic gift that is trying to get your attention and acceptance.

Card #2 indicates the gift you have that is currently seeking expression or validation.

Card #3 indicates what you should explore or practice to help you develop, hone and embrace this gift.

The interpretation

Always take a moment to sit with the image of the card before reading the accompanying message. These images hold activational frequencies designed to stimulate or awaken dormant codes, memories, wisdom, and clarity. Allow the images to transmit to you from your spiritual team exactly what you need in this moment to support your growth and transformation.

Card #1 – The block: I intuit that there has been an imbalance in your action-rest cycles. Most Westerners are taught to value action, productivity, accomplishment, drive, and ambition. Yet this can overpower our own innate rhythms and cycles, ignoring the natural periods of rest and rejuvenation that come after great cycles of output. Your system (body-mind-spirit) is exhausted and craving a more balanced expression between doing and being.

Card #2 – The gift: Your light body is ready to grow and expand. In fact, it has been trying to for some time but because of the block above (too much doing, not enough being), there has not been time for integration and renewal. This “system upgrade” is necessary for the next octave of your purpose and expression but you will need to create deliberate downtime and engage in dedicated self-care. If not, your system might generate a health crisis to force you to slow down and rest.

Card #3 – The practice: The Divine Blueprint is about remembering that you are an individuation of the Creator. Within you is contained the template of perfection. You are a sovereign being by birthright and it is time to step into your inner authority and reclaim your abdicated throne. Release behaviors of codependence, pleasing authority figures, and playing small. Connect with your divine blueprint to download and activate the coding of your sovereign self and inner authority.

These cards harmonize together beautifully to create a synergistic message!

Incantation: Ritual of Restore Sovereignty

One of my favorite parts about Empath Activation Cards are the incantations. In addition to the message, I wanted to include some sort of ceremony or guided activity so readers could begin to embody the message. Early in the writing process, as I was composing one of the messages, the most amazing incantation (poem) came through. Turns out about half of the 44 cards ended up with these powerful declarative invocations as part of the message.

The third card in the sample spread, Divine Blueprint, has an incantation with its message. These are so powerful to read out loud so I invite you to take a moment to center yourself, take a deep breath, gather your energies, and declare:

I download now my divine blueprint
Calling forth my innate, godly imprint
Within me lies the vital code
To restore my throne, once bright and hallowed
Dominion is at my command
I occupy my rightful lands
I claim my sacred sovereign right
To speak my truth and shine my light
No more need for intervention
I join with Source through pure intention
I hear my guidance true and clear
My holy counsel is always near
Equal in value, worth and merit
I wear the crown I divinely inherit
As my vibrational frequency rises
Ancient wisdom to me magnetizes
Higher knowledge and mysteries crystallize
With my sacred purpose I now harmonize
I am a way-shower, a leader of light
I fully embody my divine birthright

Where to go from here

As empaths, we are perfectly suited for the purpose of helping humanity ascend in consciousness. We show up in our bodies with heightened sensitivities, a slightly different energetic physiology, and a predisposition for accessing altered states and different planes of consciousness. On the whole it is easier and more natural for us to connect to the subtle forces of the universe and to sense and feel the realness of the changes taking place on earth and in our bodies, even if we cannot see the evidence with our eyes. We feel it in our bodies. We see it in our mind’s eye. We sense it with our energy field. We travel the various dimensions of time and space and return to this plane of existence with new information. We are evolving into fifth-dimensional beings. We are, in essence, the new human blueprint.

While the idea of a cosmic mission might seem weighty and overwhelming, it is important to understand that being who you are, where you are makes a difference. Your consciousness matters. The inner, personal work you do matters. As the one, so the many, as the many, so the one. As you heal and transform, you contribute to the collective healing and transformation of all of humanity. As others heal and transform, you are likewise contributed to. Do not discount the importance of continuing your personal growth, spiritual exploration, and consciousness work. The “mundane” is as important as the profound. Change begins within and your contribution is the spark that could ignite a positive shift in your entire family, community, country, or planet.

Empath Activation Cards The Evolutionary Empath by Rev. Stephanie Red Feather, Ph.D. Sensitive Soul Activating Your 5D Frequency Waking Up in 5D