Where Singing Crystals, Religion, and Science Gather

Where Singing Crystals, Religion, and Science Gather
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Where Singing Crystals, Religion, and Science Gather

by Kathryn Hudson, author of Discover Your Crystal Family, Inviting Angels into Your Life, and Discover Your Soul Mission

Just last week, I had an amazing experience: I was invited to speak about my books during the sermon portion of the Sunday service at a church here on the island where I am holed up to edit my book on Soul Mission/Life Purpose that will be out in English next year, as well as to write another one for release in France in 2022. Whew! A LOT going on!

But even though I was busy, I just had to accept the invitation to speak at my favorite church on the planet (and I live in Paris, so that is saying something!), St. Francis-by-the-Sea, a church nestled in treetops of Emerald Isle on North Carolina’s Southern Outer Banks. (The intelligent architect put the administrative offices on the ground floor, and the glorious church perched among the trees!) Save for a lovely logo-type anchor cross with seashells and gentle colors above the altar, there are no stained glass windows here: just large clear ones that allow the beauty of Nature to fill in the blanks: live oak treetops, Carolina pines, the occasional pelican flying by: an ode to God’s artistry and Nature’s beauty!

In this place, the priest/vicar of the parish is open and alert to the Divine in all forms, but she gently reminded me to focus on GOD, and not necessarily only on crystals when speaking of Discover Your Crystal Family.

You see, my first book, Inviting Angels Into Your Life, is a bit more in line with tradition and Christian beliefs as they have evolved over time, but the crystals? Well, suffice it to say, I dearly wanted to share the magic but also was aware of the alarm bells that go off for some when faced with crystals and other “New Age” concepts.

They were in for a surprise!!

In fact, I was in for a surprise as well: when I rose—early, to see the sunrise (you can see them too, on my Instagram account where I do the daily minute-long videos “Daily Message from the Angels”)—what felt like the breath of Spirit flowed over me, with much inspiration and many ah-hah moments, preparing my talk.

THERE IS NO PLACE THAT GOD IS NOT. This was the first reminder, and one that reinforced what I have come to know and see and feel over time: the breath of the Spirit, or the Light of God, however you want to put it, within a religious context or not: it is everywhere! Even in us! And even in that which we formerly deemed “inanimate,” like rocks and crystals.

In fact, the scientific types now tell us that there is really nothing that is inanimate: the cells within even that which we deem “inert” are always in movement! Thank you, Science, for confirming what mystics have always known: that everything is alive! The world is the magic of creation!

The second grace-filled reminder was that, although religions have evolved to focus more on the heavens than on our lovely earth, earlier expressions of religion acknowledge that THERE IS NO PLACE THAT GOD IS NOT.

From indigenous peoples who see the divine nature of and revere all of LIFE in every form, to the Torah which speaks of God in burning bushes, to Buddhists who find peace/nirvana in Nature (Buddha sat under a tree), even to Christendom, if we look to the roots of religions, we can see a recognition of God as everywhere, omnipresent, and infinite.

Even as I write this to share with you, I am yet again feeling gratitude for the big ah-hah I had during the preparation for my homily: I was reminded of a scene in the New Testament of the Bible where the crowds were singing and shouting Jesus’ praises as he entered the city. He was asked by the authorities (Pharisees) to calm the crowd down, to silence them. His response gives me goosebumps (Luke 19:40): “I tell you, even if these were to fall silent, the very stones would sing out.”

I do not believe Jesus was speaking in hyperbole.

No matter who we are, to what, if any, religious culture we belong, God speaks to us through Nature. But here we have a Master who spoke in no uncertain terms on singing stones… I don’t know if there could be a better definition for crystals! Each sings—has their own vibration—and their vibration (if we are willing) can draw us into resonance and evoke our singing, our vibration also.

The last ah-hah I received in preparation for that sermon (and for this blog, it turns out!) was that the Divine is there to shepherd us. The One who formed us, even in our mother’s womb, aware of our special reason for being (our mission), knows always the highest, best path for us. While formed in our mother’s womb, that path was seeded in us, and the lighter we become, the more trusting of this Divine system and shepherding, the clearer the path. All paths are not for all people… but your path is for you!

Discover Your Crystal Family invites us to recognize that if we have crystals around us, or if we are attracted to them, there is no coincidence in that. Since our highest path is seeded within us before we were born, if crystals lie on our path, then surely science and religion and crystals have come together to help us express crystal energy in the world, more and more clearly and consciously. Let us sing with the crystals, the rocks that sing! Singing expresses the spirit of God, Joy in the world.

Let us sing then, if you will, more consciously, with our inner voice or outer, singing our crystalline JOY that knows that there is nowhere God is not, and so we are filled with the energy of the creation of Worlds. Let’s allow that feeling to bring us JOY, and in turn bring JOY to a world in need of just that!

Discover Your Crystal Family Inviting Angels into Your Life Discover Your Soul Mission Crystal Basics Crystal Oversoul Cards